
Clearly they are just trying to make an alpha test phase joke, since no computer manufacturer in their right mind would sell hardware that hasn't actually passed their alpha testing.

You should trade it in and grab a few English lessons.

Are these supposed to be examples of the death threat tweets? Because they're death threats in the same way that saying "go fuck yourself" is a rape threat.

No offense, but Gawker media lampooning a singular proofreading error is a little much. Across all Gawker platforms, I'll wager you could today find evidence of factual errors, simple grammar errors and aggregation masquerading as original content. Although one might argue different audiences and duties of care

When are they going to have a button to stop the fucking

Not often you see something like this...you know, a woman in bed with a Notre Dame football player under her own volition.

Upon receiving notice that Michael Sam beat up his boyfriend, he was subsequently re-instated and appointed team captain.

Unfortunately, the Jezebel badass certificate has been significantly devalued due to the flooding of the market.

I don't know why but I really hate the way you wrote this.

I would have asked her to jettison all children mid flight

Ask Sully about that

Very interesting

Kindles being tied to Amazon are the death strike against them and the reason why I would absolutely never buy one. Kobos allow many file types plus the usage of an SD card. Onyx devices allow audio playback for audiobooks. Is Gawker media an Amazon property now? Every day, you post listings of Amazon products for

This conclusion is very... USA.

I mean, if you take away the Amazon cheap offerings and Amazon Prime you take away the biggest disadvantages? As a European in a Amazon-less country I would go for the Kobo... I think.

I don't know how this changes anything. It's still a he said/she said situation.

while this is all well and good, it reminds me of my inexperienced college boyfriend. can i touch your boob now? how about now? is this okay? how am i doing?

"Because not even great engineering can put a stop to bad copyright law."

There's thought to have been exactly one deadly police shooting in Iceland since the island became an independent nation in 1944.

"Edge" of her rope?

Hard to take his anti-technology stance seriously when he's wearing glasses!