
Yeah, I'm not feeling so great about it, either. It seems to me that if sexual harassment by cabbies is a big issue, then we need to address the sexual harassment by cabbies. I don't like this increasing trend I see where isolating women in women-only spaces is seen as the best way to keep women "safe." It doesn't

Not to be the wet blanket here, but including gender based customer and employee discrimination in your business model seems really, really illegal.

Well, the problem is this is absolutely against the law generally and the Taxi and Limousine Commission rules. "Passenger is the wrong sex" is not a reason a driver can refuse a passenger.

You ride a Can-Am....don't you

Do you get splinters in your dick from fucking that strawman?

New Deadspin comedy bit: Why your college fandom is morally bankrupt. First up Penn State.

Yeah, risk mitigation is a good thing—-so long as it's within reason. Simply telling people not to drink is not within reason. Bringing someone you trust along with you, that seems to me to be within reason (because that's non-gendered, bringing company somewhere you might expect to be a victim of something is just a

Job discrimination is one thing...but a magazine knowing its audience is white suburban women and gearing its covers and articles for that is just business.

I suppose the could just block all posting of photos and make every tweet require approval by admins before it gets displayed to anyone. That seems to be a really effective way to prevent the less than 1% of negative traffic on your site... *stares sarcastically*


There's no reason for you to be standing out in the middle of a field during a thunderstorm with a golf club. You're inviting a risk with no corresponding benefit whatsoever.

There's a chance of that happening anywhere. The chance of her getting kidnapped anywhere, including this park, is very small. That's nothing but fear-mongering. The most likely scenario, by far, is that this child has fun all day at the park and gets home safe and sound. You can't raise your child, or make

When I was nine, I rode my bike or skated all over the neighborhood and hung out at the library alone. No one said Boo. But I'm white and lived in the suburbs so apparently my parents couldn't be negligent. Also, my 8 year old niece walks her dog by herself every day, and again, no one calls the cops.

Meanwhile, if she was a white cop who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, everyone would be protecting the shit out of her identity.

The destruction of certain parts of Gaza is not in doubt. However, showing just these photos doesn't tell the whole story (as usual). Photos are great support, but can be misleading without the proper facts surrounding them.

Genocide? Do you even know what that word means? Think what would happen if Israel really tried to actually kill as many Gazans as it could. Do you think that after a month of air strikes it would have managed only less than 2000, of which the vast majority are military age men? Or maybe it makes more sense that

If you are repeatedly asked to leave a place quietly and you violently refuse?

I think your complaining about a tech writer's critique of a tech company on a tech blog might be even bigger. But hey, you got to use an overused expression, so bonus hip points to you!

I kind of wonder what it's like to be a black person who isn't interested in any of those things and have white people constantly telling you that those things are a part of your identity and you should be so attached to them that you get mad when white people try to take them from you.

Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star with bad