Why did Garrett Wang, a Chinese American, play Harry Kim, presumably a Korean American, for seven seasons? Should I get mad when an actor who’s a quarter Irish plays a character who’s a quarter German?
Why did Garrett Wang, a Chinese American, play Harry Kim, presumably a Korean American, for seven seasons? Should I get mad when an actor who’s a quarter Irish plays a character who’s a quarter German?
If you join a voluntary club that forbids you from driving, how is the government going to address that?
Am I also not allowed to complain about Jews in London who don’t let their wives drive, or is that okay because even though they have a different religion they look white? Can I complain about NASCAR-watching Southern Baptists who beat their wives, like their fathers did? I’m not American so not sure if I can weigh in…
The head says shuttered and the first sentence says the paper is closing. Hope you don’t have to deal with complicated materials in your job...
American kids are already the biggest group of entitled brats on the planet. We don’t need propaganda making them think we’ll literally reorganize society around their wishes.
You want to get weepy about some five year old? Be my guest. I’ll shit on him, thanks.
Sick five-year-olds aren’t that special. It takes 5 years + 9 months to make one. Sick 25-year-olds are special. It takes 25 years + 9 months + 12 - 16 years of schooling to make one. I don’t get all the fuss.
Why is it that dying kids get wishes granted? People die at all ages in various horrible ways. But for some reason there’s a feel-good crusade that wants to stop everything because some five-year-old (nearly) died.
I think your caps-lock key might be broken.
I nominate this lede for biggest non-sequitur, 2015. “Manholes exploded near an office on a random day that had nothing to do with anything.”
Both mainstream Protestants and Catholics are relatively sane. Protestants are more productive (England, Scotland, Denmark, Germany) versus Catholics (France, Spain, Portugal, Italy).
The point is that the root of the tip is that she’s shoddily compensated. A good lawyer does all these things and more and doesn’t get tipped.
White people got the slaves to America. They often bought them from the black locals, though, rather than raiding villages to find them.
A lot of things we do piss terrorists off. Since this is America, we don’t change our behavior because it annoys terrorists.
If it makes you feel better Canadians regard the white revolutionaries as animals and thugs too...
Good point. “The boys will be boys” / “men will be gross” mentality should be laid to rest, at least with respect to men’s interactions with young women.
Reading this article is like watching a circle jerk of people watching a circle jerk of people watching a circle jerk.
I don’t know why it says I posted that long response but I didn’t.
I don’t think many people in the civil rights movement decided to commandeer the facilities of companies with no negative record on race issues.