Ohto Kangas

In countries where the drivers are not complete morons they do that. Here in the USA drivers are far far too dim to understand what that is for and will mash the pedal as hard as they can so they can make it through the light just as it turns red at 80mph on that 35mph street.

Exactly! Minecraft was about customizing your world, not just given a selection of pre-made Disney prop for your world. I'll take my blocky buildings over some Disneyesque landmarks any day.

I don't see the appeal. Minecraft was about gathering resources, surviving the night/caves, and building. Not just building with unlimited supplies and "pre-fab" parts!

Well if the video ended up in the hands of the insurance company, I'm pretty sure he won't get a penny off them.

I really hope his insurance does not pay for this. Its people like this that cause all of us to pay more in premiums. What a douche.

What a shit driver. He deserves the crazy insurance premium increase he's about to get.

Here we see the populous Lawsuitus Venator in his natural habitat. Look at the wonder of nature as he romps happily across his hunting zone, ensnares his hapless target, and rolls several times to maximize the attempt. Lawsuitus has been officially classified as a parasite by the Natural Society, yet all attempts to

The sun sets on a great game. I was quite upset with how the PS3 version was handled but I guess I was a derp to think it would run without problems. I'll definitely be getting the next game on PC although come to think of it the PS4 shows promise, maybe the next game will run at a steady framerate.

Legendary film critic Roger Ebert has passed away at the age of 70 after a long battle with cancer.

RYAN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN sorry bad mtv death related joke

Has anyone else actually heard of this show before today?

Really interesting impressions. The more I read of the Kotaku editors's EOS feedback, the less "disappointed" I am that this is an MMO. I love MMO's, or at least I did. World of Warcraft is an incredible game, but there was too much of it—going on 9 years of that franchise, and every other MMO is trying desperately

Too far?

Depends on the thickness of the ice.

The fact that this is on ice brought up a physics question in my mind:

Left turns allowed on red arrows/lights!!!

Many stretches of interstate already ban trucks in the left lane, but buses are allowed to use the lane. Which means that all the shoddy Mexican buses in Texas hog the left lane, speed and tailgate.

I couldn't agree more with this! I live in the DC/NoVA area and have also noticed this here. I regularly have to remind myself to calm down - that I'm not the turn signal police. However, I view not signaling as simply discourteous to other drivers, and this problem has become epidemic in this region.

Can we make commercial vehicles in the left lane illegal as well? That one would make me very happy...

EDIT: Wow, I'm being attacked for being a "broke idiot". Shows you how much some BMW drivers equate amounts of money to quality. You can spend 21k on a BMW with 150k miles or 21k on a V70R / S60R with 50k. Your choice.