Welcome to Agenda biased media.
Welcome to Agenda biased media.
I live in NorCal and these idiots can’t drive when the roads are dry. When it sprinkles they act like it is a damn monsoon.
Screw VW. I am so over this whole ordeal. You better believe they are still deducting the monthly payments for this pile of crap rotting in front of my house. Of course they don’t want to buy my car back, when they can continue to collect my monthly payments.
Exactly why I left the toxic VW community. It has become filled with crap people like this.
Any JDM model.
We all know what a crappy Chevette looks like. Since the ad features pictures of the car and not the Blowjob giver, you can only imagine how much worse she looks than the car.
After being screwed over by VW in Dieselgate. They honestly could give away cars and I wouldn’t take one. The last 11 new cars my family has bought were VW’s. The Mk6 Jetta TDI is and will be the last VW we will ever own.
VW (who also has the loan) conveniently had the payout for our Jetta exactly match the loan payoff amount. Less then 9k in value for the Jetta then the $5100. So we basically get to give back the car. With zero compensation. We put $5000 down on the car that we are not getting back. So basically VW gave us the big…
Since VW was just ordered to spend Billions on Zero emission technology. I see this as a great way for them to do it.
One of many. But definitely one of the top reasons.
On one hand you have greedy developers who see massive cash grabs and cannot resist. Releasing unfinished titles and charging on the backend for any playability other than a $60 demo game.
Admit publicly my crimes. Never no matter how small.
That is the vehicle we are buying to replace the Jetta TDI.
I have had more fun with this very limited game (Demo) Than I have had in all my time with NMS. I hope they continue on and make this the game NMS said it was at the core.
There is a huge difference between “in the air” and ”through the air”
I would imagine one is for 4x4 settings (Low/High)