I have been driving for 31 yers. I have owned probably 40 cars. I have never ever had an interior door handle break. I know it’s possible but highly unlikely and to have both or all interior door handles break at the same time is just a thought too stupid to even ponder.
Impressive. Can’t wait to see it run and hoping it runs well.
“An Error Occured While Trying To Launch The Game” That is the message I get everytime. Although looking at the sale just reminds me of how many games I own on Steam and will never get around to playing them all.
I try my best. I will file your dated and rehashed statement where I do all internet opinions. Obvious GM fanboy. They should change from General Motor to Glutenious Murders.
Nope all Euro’s in my family and my own collection. I also wonder how hard it is to see this lever with the door closed and seated in the drivers seat.
Obviously that isn’t good enough. A door should open when the interior handle is pulled. Every car I have ever owned has opened when the interior handle is pulled.
Serious safety issue. Should have been fixed years ago by GM. However we all know how good they are at fixing their broken cars.
Came here to say the same thing. 1966 Le Mans. It was also Henri Pescarolo’s first Le Mans
I don’t agree that it completely eliminates jobs. It will create new jobs to maintain and monitor these autonomous vehicles. I don’t see a near future world where these machines are left to do things under simply their own control. That would require a level of AI we aren’t even close to yet. There will need to be a…
VW knows how to make TDI’s very well. I only wish they would have used a TDI motor in their Hybrid
It has moved into second place in choice of cars for the self riotous. Right behind the Prius. Where as the Prius is for the city dweller the Subbie’s are for those that actually leave the city from time to time.
Crap now I want one.
It really depends on the desirability of the car for sale. I purchased a non running car before, it was a 95 Volvo T-5R (Yellow). That is a desirable car with a collectibility factor. However a 92 Hoda Civic is not very collectable. That doesn’t mean it isn’t worth anything. If you have the time, a car like that is…
I faced a similar situation when I bought my 07 GTI. It was between it and the A3. (No S3 in NA at that time nor a 3 door option either). I compared them side by side and option by option. There used to be a stark contrast in the quality of an Audi compared to a VW. But in the last decade or so that line has vanished.…
What would be even better is if they could merge the older titles and have them run on the new engine. Like a Tale of Two Wastelands did with Fallout 3 and New Vegas.