I had a girlfriend back in the day who had one. I think I stayed in the relationship because of the car.
I had a girlfriend back in the day who had one. I think I stayed in the relationship because of the car.
She's gonna blow. Hang on folks we are in for a rough ride.
Why would they stop for a worthless Pleb anyways.
Every aide added just makes drivers worse. They become reliant on these aides and stop paying attention to actually driving.
Can someone explain how GM is able to weather this storm? The cost alone of these recalls has to be insane. Then there is the blow to consumer confidence. Then there are the Federal fines on top. They weren't doing very well before this (Taxpayer bailouts)
Beautiful K Car styling to be sure
Then again, would it have been a great loss if Mullaly had axed Lincoln? As that Bloomberg piece (and everyone else) notes, not only does Lincoln not even come close to contributing for Ford's bottom line, most of the Lincolns in recent years have just been gussied-up Fords. Do they really need a brand like that?
This was my choice as well.
So it is like a Camry or Accord then. Tsk Tsk VW selling your soul for volume.
I imagine if you tried that in the States you would be beaten so badly or end up in jail.
You can only watch a parade so many times before it gets boring. Sparks or no sparks.
This is a quest — a quest to find the most absurdly '80s car representative of that painfully tacky decade.
I love Karma.
Are you still talking wow........
Some people. Love their opinions so much they feel they must force them on everyone else. I will let you in on a secret..... Nobody cares.
General Motors
Horch or DKW
Agree should be replaced by the Pug 206 GTI
You may feel like you have won Lavin, but karma is a bitch that never forgets.