Wow honesty. So rare these days, that it actually surprises us.
Wow honesty. So rare these days, that it actually surprises us.
I saw these the other day and did what you said. How can they go from the best special flavor ever (Rice Krispy Treat) to these.
Thanks Audi/VW for showing us another great car you will never sell.
I actually see us adopting a hybrid of both manual and automatic cars. A lot like in the movie Demolition Man. Where control can be taken over by the driver when wanted. Or you can have the car drive itself. This will hit the market long before completely self automated cars do IMHO. Which really would be the best of…
My fear is they won't come soon enough. There are way too many people who simply can not drive on the roads. Too many distractions for them to deal with and their complete lack of ability to think for themselves or ability to think critically hinder their ability to control their cars.
Or wait 6 months and buy it for a third of the new release price.
Very true the line between VW and Audi has been long erased.
... so I guess the car was for rich people who wanted Corvairs, but really wanted you to know they had way more money than you'd need for a Corvair.
I can see a place in my life for both. Having this to tackle my 200 mile a day commute would be nice. hen having my fun cars to drive when I feel like it. This would actually make the roads a safer place to be, seeing how little people pay attention while driving. You aren't going to change peoples bad habits. Look at…
The legacy of the last round of UAW deals, mired in impending doom and obvious weakness, is a mixed one. On one hand, Detroit's automakers were able to shed some strangling legacy costs. On the other, we ended up with a two-tier system that left older workers paid extremely well and newer workers trapped with low…
:p Shh don't tell everyone :)
Afluenza comes to mind.
So lets look at your position.
Wow it is absolutely amazing that you know my life so well. You must work for the NSA Mr Super Snooper. Also commented before the edit, but of course you already knew that also. He is still a douche bag. I know you douche bags stick up for each other. So I will just let you ramble on trouncing through the interwebs,…
They should get rid of it and a few more completely over used terms.
Not like I would buy any American car anyways. I have an amazing mind blowing idea. Build the god damn things right to begin with. Don't cut corners simply to keep the UAW fat and happy. Because the corners you guys are cutting is resulting in injuries and in some cases death.