Ohto Kangas

Agree it is a Camry

Go 7up go ;)

Are we sure it wasn't Ken Block?

It's ok really calm down. He is the greatest ever. In fact Sienna looks down from Heaven and only wishes he could have been as great as Ken Block. Gotta love Fanboys. Yeah why should we look at his rally career. Those guys are terrible drivers. You are right again, I guess. It takes no skill at all to drive on varying

Sorry to interrupt your Ken Block dick sucking session. Please carry on.

RIP you made it to the checked flag good Sir.

I think you guys covered it in this article ;)

He does crash a lot. It just shows that you may be a great Stunt Driver. However that doesn't automatically translate to a great Race Driver.

Redbull>Monster yet again.

Has to be confirmation of Fallout 4

Shhhh. You will stop the paranoia. Let the media kill these godforsaken stickers.

The Chevette

Auto Manufacturers have been making a very concerted effort of late to remove the driver from the driving experience.

Driving one right now for commute duty. Let's see cloth interior and a real manual 6 speed transmission. 35MPG highway from a Supercharged 4 Banger. No complaints here.

SF Bay Area. So unfortunately it is the Prius.

All I wanted was a game that would actually play. I think I purchased the buggiest copy ever produced. First the game would absorb dragon souls. Once I straightened that out now it just crashes.

How about some nice Häagen-Dazs ice cream? With tomatoes and cherries? If that's not your thing, you can always try carrots and oranges. Japanese site Gigazine did just that.

There was a time when any US Citizen could walk into The White House freely and without consequence.

Not really and taking the concept a little to far. We don't own the Military. Nor do we own the equipment they use. We bought it sure. But we don't own or control them at all. Hence why we retain the right to bear arms. To protect us from the Military and the Government. However we are out gunned for sure and we have