I'm not fancy or professional enough to need ANY of this and yet I desperately want ALL of it :/
I'm pretty nervous to read this thread y'all.
Not exactly but calls to mind "self-defeating" or "masochistic". There is even a Self-Defeating Personality Disorder :/
May be a weird tactic but all the conventional wisdom seems too obvious so here we go. Maybe try to think of a sexual scenario or fantasy that kind of gets you going that maybe HE would feel weird about. You don't have to bring it up but you could just envision or imagine what the conversation would be like if you…
Hmm sounds eerily similar to a brief friendship I had with a girl who was my roommate a few years ago. One of the most fraught and emotionally exhausting experiences of my entire life. There were a lot of similarities and she also sent me a few long texts after I kicked her out of the apartment (with very good reason,…
OH MY GOD. Right?!?! It's insane and amazing and I don't understand how I ever lived without his yeti-ness. To (reluctantly) quote John Mayer, it's "sexual napalm". Once you go yeti, you never go back!
I believe it was adolescent Simba in particular. I was a tween so I guess that makes some semblance of sense? So yes, there was mane! There was haunches! It was all very erotic to my seventh grade self!!!!
CURRENT: shoulder hair. My bf is a hairy yeti-man and I have grown to covet his endless body fur. When we get down to business I can grab onto his hairy shoulders and when we cuddle I just kind of rub them and get all excited by the sensory awesomeness that is body hair. It's primal and it's soft and manly and boy…
I'm insanely excited! About him! About season 2! YES X 34554346456!!!!
Nailed it.
At first I totally thought she was going to call out specific people and the reason for them not being invited, which would have been even more awesomely batshit! If I was one of the brides invitees/friends I would probably want to re-thinking my attendance and friendship if I saw this shit! But apparently someone saw…
Only a little...?
I highly dislike both of them. But Franco, wow, you can not write and I'm unsure why anyone pretends you can. You also seem like a shitty, self-involved, bizarre human being. Ugh x 234234.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
You know what makes me feel sexy? Rocking some deep cleavage. When my boyfriend grabs my ass in public. When I flirt with a stranger. When I wear a skirt with a thong. And finally, WATCHING PORN.
Aww Kim & Kanye are cute idgaf. It's funny, people keep talking about it being Kim's big day but a part of me feels like this was really Kanye's dream come true. I'm kind of elated for him. He married the girl of his dreams in a beautiful ceremony. Kind of beautiful to imagine how blissed out he must have been.