This was oddly riveting. Cats are such mysterious creatures. They climb walls! Screech like banshees! Arch their backs as if possessed by the devil! Well-played cats, well-played.
This was oddly riveting. Cats are such mysterious creatures. They climb walls! Screech like banshees! Arch their backs as if possessed by the devil! Well-played cats, well-played.
GOOD FOR HER. Someone should be young and awesome and having a kick-ass time. Ain't mad at it.
I think I love you.
It's simeltaneously amazing AND terrifying. Like looking directly at Medusa.
OMG you have discovered something precious! Bob's Burgers is like a comedy gem. I'm jealous you get to start from the beginning. Savor it for preciousness it is! Buy s Tin T-shirt (I own one that has her face and says "I'm a smart, strong, sensual woman" it's fantastic!)
Haha you are welcome! I think unfortunately sex is uncomfortable for a lot longer then you might imagine. But once it gets better it's like you never even experienced the pain. Be careful about super hard sex or getting on top for a little while though...those things are excruciating if you aren't in the groove and…
I have to admit that my mom seems to increase her quasi-racist/inappropriate comments. I'm not sure sure if its a matter of them getting older, growing up so we can recognize what is offensive or not, or times changing and there being different definition of "offensive". My mom isn't racist in a hateful or negative…
Well congrats (if that's appropriate, I don't know. I'm weird. Moving on.) Yes it will loosen, I PROMISE. But sometimes it takes a while. It took a couple weeks and semi regular sex for me to loosen up. It was kind of disconcerting. It's literally a muscle, so just imagine how you have to stretch like your hamstrings.…
Aww lady I'm sorry. I think it's a fine line between reviewing what happened and why and then obsessing about it or placing the blame solely with one person. It's rarely so simple as "one person is bad, the other awesome". I'm sure there were good things about both of you, and flaws in both of you. Ultimately there…
It's weird right?!? I'll stop commenting for a couple weeks and then I go from being approved back to grey...every. damn. time. it's ridiculous.
I vaguely remember the guys across from us in college owning a stripper pole. Some part of me wanted to get smashed and go crazy on that thing for fun but my better judgement always stopped me. All for the best as I imagine I would like look a spaz on a stripper pole, never a good look.
Aww. Staying in hometown and also dealing with an amicable recent break-up. Solidarity. I am at my Dad's apartment sitting on the bed drinking a beer sulking about my own lameness. Bleh, Saturdays are awesome...unless they aren't.
Congrats! Finding a cheap place in SF is like the holy grail. What part are you moving to? I'm in the East Bay but my ex-bf had a cheap the outer sunset...without heat.
Humanity :(
My feelings exactly.
I always find it so funny when people state so definitively and nonchalantly "That's the sign of a demon/ghost/satan/whatever." Where do these conclusions come from? Sulphur? Flies? Really?!
I think it might just be a pink-ish lipgloss. On another note, I just typed 'lipgloos' so I clearly need coffee STAT.