Amen to that. He lost any of his humor or interest as soon as he decided to be nice and get a six pack. We have enough of those people. It's called All of Hollywood.
Amen to that. He lost any of his humor or interest as soon as he decided to be nice and get a six pack. We have enough of those people. It's called All of Hollywood.
She is one of the most underrated female comedians to me. She is so hilarious, so talented, she is just All The Things. Team Maya Rudolph gets her own show (variety or otherwise)!!!
All I can say is this: ARE YOU SHITTING ME??? How stupid are the people in the modeling/magazine industry? Even with a black model this would be touting the line of appropriateness but this is so fucking over the line it's ridiculous. Common sense, y u no have it?!?
The pressing question is not whether there will be an (annoyingly-titled) "Lady-draft" but whether there will be a DRAFT. Correct me if I'm wrong but if there was a draft involving women as well as men...wouldn't a bunch of women (probably myself included! not a judgement) just get pregnant to avoid it? I mean,…
Two things:
Pfft. You could only come up with 11? There's exponential amounts of reasons in my head! LOVE YOU JLAW LET'S GET DRUNK AND WATCH TV SOMEDAY.
Correlation not causation blah blah blah. I know the scientist stated this but still...this study is just screaming Third Variable Problem! *college psych student*
I think they will actually have a very attractive biracial child. They are attractive people, so, ya know. God help the world when their kid comes of age.
"implementing no homework nights, offering yoga classes, giving teenagers recess, bringing in therapy dogs (my college did this during exam times and it was a godsend) and — in some extreme cases — setting up wellness rooms with massage therapists and other stress-reducing treatments."
This just proves my own personal theory that Florida is the WORST.
Florida is the new New Jersey.
I would PAY to see that sex tape. You can just tell they have intense, smoldering, awesome, wild sex. *fans self*
Good for Dakota Fanning! Although it's going to be strange to watch her be all adulty and sexual.
Spot on. If she was alive today the interwebz would probably find a way to criticize Mother Theresa! You're damned if you do and damed if you don't.
I'm like pre-this. Which is almost worse (ok probably equal). Still in school will graduate next January. Not much work experience. Psychology major which basically means I can't do jack until I get my masters degree. It's like, wow, I'm going to be utterly dependent for years and years and years. I can't even deal…
Ah, Adderall. How I love it. How I deplore it. How I'm totally on it right. this. minute. Go productivity!
Ohh interesting. Fellow psych major here as well (probably why I asked!). Are you undergrad? Anyway hope you're making some progress!
Wow, I'm sorry that was so f#$king long!!! Guess I just got into it. Hope some of it helps. I need to start editing before I post huh? Hhahah.