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Next year. Next year, I gotta go to Comic-Con.

Me too. I try to be all like...

This sounds legit to me. Chris Evans felt about 8 inches and hard as a rock and desperate to lay me down and murder my vagina, and that's pretty much what I expect in real life...............

Remember, there are 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds more in each day. Now go fish those birth control pills out of the trash.

Hear hear! Bud/Coors is like having sex in a canoe... it's fucking close to water.

I once walked by Susan Lucci at Disneyworld. It was hot as fuckery and she was there for some event and dipped in make-up and hairspray for fan photos I guess.( She is one of the tiniest people I have ever seen without being an actual Little Person. Also, she never stopped smiling. ) Anyhoo, She and I locked eyes for

I do not question the Moderator Goddesses and their infinite wisdom. I toil here in the clay, expecting not recognition or accolades :)

Tip from a girl who grew up in Hawaii: Wear sunscreen "where the sun don't shine." I wish I'd figured this out as a kid, because that's where all my dicey stuff is: On my lily-white ass & lower back, underneath the bathing suit line. Why did we ever think the sun's mighty UV rays were gonna be deterred by a thin piece

I've only been to the Met once, and while I'm not well-versed in art history or theory, we spent like, SIX HOURS running around that place.

Another important handwashing occasion is after cutting up hot peppers, lest you rub your eye or masturbate. (It was a sad journey through Yahoo Answers the day I learned that lesson. Also, the internet has no shame.)

Maybe not in the same vein, but my body carried three kids, birthed them naturally with no complications, fed them with no issues. It also recovered from a near-death bout of meningitis without any complications other than the odd migraine. (I never had them before I had meningitis.) I recover quickly from illness

You gotta also remember that you get better at anything with practice. That means that if you practice being less critical of your body, you'll get better at being less critical — but it ALSO means that you've probably got a lot of practice at being critical about it. It'll take time and work, an everyone's advice

Jesus Christ, I am so OVER the idea that fat bodies are somehow public property. I know that all women experience this phenomenon, regardless of body size, but it really seems like the idea that fat women's bodies are owned by the public has taken off, perhaps even more so than other types of bodies. Like, feel free

I know just how you feel. For instance, reading your post, I'm reminded about how much I hate assholes. I'm sorry that you are an asshole and this might offend you but I honestly respect someone less if they are an asshole. I know the facts and it's a tiny portion of people who can't by means of empathy and simple

He created C.J. Cregg. Who is so amazingly awesome that maybe that was all the awesome he had to give to the ladies.

That is acceptable. And then you can re-enact this part of the movie:

He might not be gay, but he probably does have some misogyny if he feels the need to regularly tell her how gross her body is. I mean, if you took my heart out it would look really gross, but it's unreachable. The vagina and clitoris are just hanging out there all pink and juicy and...

I will admit that even as an adult, I love me some Airheads. Watermelon flavor. Will eat them till I'm sick if given the opportunity. So I generally try to avoid them. Making my mouth water a bit though.