
Ooo, my first jez comment ever! Honestly, and I'm a nursing student so I apologize, if you have a lot of "poop" in the part of your rectum that you can feel if you press on the posterior vaginal wall, the DivaCup won't sit quite right and can leak. Your vaginal musculature holds it in place just fine, and it will slip

Joe Francis' smile reminds me of the Other Mother from Coraline.

Every time I see Nicholas Hoult's name, I need to go "NIC HOULT! NIC HOULT!" a la Steve Holt ("STEVE HOLT").

Yep, the cup is the best invention ever. Love it!

That doesn't make this situation any less shitty, but thanks for competing at the tragedy Olympics.

I'm not sure I get your reasoning. So are you saying you have less pity for Monteith's family because, though he was at one time a homeless junkie, we don't have proof that he was abused? Does someone with a drug problem have to hit the full trifecta of homeless, abused, AND junkie for your to feel some empathy for

I could write a book about these pictures, but I will have to settle for a rambling comment. There's so much I could say about this - how porn has ruined our sense of fun sensuality, how the 50s were hardly the uberconformist era we think it was - but I think I'll settle for a character sketch of Hilda as I see her.

I just want to warn you. You're about to get into an argument with someone about what your own body looks like naked and what the correct nomenclature is or isn't because they happen to be tonight's self-assigned expert on women's bodyiezzz. ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY NIGHT GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!

So my husband and son survived their first backpacking adventure! No bear, wolverine, or squirrel attacks. It was a success!

Basically, the antivax argument boils down to an Appeal to Nature, "nature" did not intend that we inject these "chemicals" into our bodies. Therefore, the chemicals are bad*. There are literally no studies except a few individual case studies that suggest that a particular patient's illness was caused by a vaccine.

You have totally cheered me up from the bad few days I've been having. Thank you very much.

I get the Victorian vapors from those sexy, sexy ankles!

Eh just rub some yogurt on it.

Ahh, I like the clamdigger look! I suggested it to my boyfriend when he was complaining about the heat and he looked at me like I was nutz, which is funny because he will usually follow my direction on all sartorial issues.

False! No one has ever said this: "We were in Lane Bryant, and I found the cutest top."

Now playing

So I recently found what it's like to listen to 15,000 people singing in unison.

My husband and I were going to watch this together, but I couldn't wait, so he gave me permission to watch the first one without him. I accidentally watched the first three.

I was also planning a lovely med-free water birth, then my baby turned footling breech, his head was off the fucking charts enormous, my fluids were low and the cord was blocked, and I ended up on an operating table.

I'll do it for free. But they will have to pay for the purchase and processing of all the disposable cameras and subsequent shitty film. Also, I won't be there. Interested?

The English have this birthing shit down, man.