
and that may be. my point was simply that her experience is not EVERYONE's experience and some Jezzies here are quite rattled by her writing.

Haha, yes, I am learning that ignorance is bliss. I am reading medical and scientific oriented articles and nothing else, if I can help it! This one snuck up on me and when I read stuff like this before it was all abstract. Now that it is real I feel like I need about 10 "NOPE" gifs to explain how I feel.

Exactly. The vast majority of the comments fall into one of two camps:

They might be trained for it but just not allowed to perform breech deliveries - midwives in the UK have been doing it forever, and in Canada guidelines were recently revised to stop automatically requiring C-sections and encourage vaginal delivery of breech babies - safer all around than C-sections, provided your

You know what would make more sense. Birthing centers inside hospitals. Rooms where women could decide to either be on a bed, use a bouncy ball or fill up a tub and sit in water. You know - options - for this big day in your life. I've listened to stories from the friends who've had babies and think it's ridiculous to

Heh. The number one rule about childbirth is that the baby fucks up *all* of your plans. I went to the hospital early (no broken water, contractions still far apart) because they had my bed already set aside. They called my doctor as soon as I got there, and he decided to head in, since his practice was right next

Meh. My main thought was, "Who has any to spare?!" That shit is gold. Any time I hear about anyone doing complicated things with breastmilk like making kefir or yogurt or butter sculptures or whatever all I feel is insane jealousy that some women have that much just sitting around. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in a tiny

Just because you dislike something and find it weird, doesn't mean you should insult those who feel differently. It's fine to dislike it, it's not ok to call others freaks.

Why does anyone care what other women do with their own breast milk? Or their placenta? Don't like it? Don't do it.

Slow news day, uh?

Do I agree that it looks totally cheesy?

You're just mean. Who cares About this?

I hate to admit this, but if this pendant was around 9 years ago when I nursed my daughter, I'd probably buy one.