O.H. Svendsen

You need to ask Deschutes for the other seasonal then...Jubel Ale.

The chairlift for which it is named is also seasonal, obviously. But, beyond that, that little chairlift rarely operates, it's completely underrated when it does, it's the oldest lift on the mountain, and the fall line under the lift is one of the mountain's best runs when there's deep powder (at least when the

No, I don't.

"Boxer" didn't write the book and he isn't a boxer. You may want to look more closely at the story, given that you are about to publish the very "lite" version of it.

So you did time elsewhere at another time? Or are you still in?

The whole "rape your wife" bit has that je ne sais quoi to it that reeks of time done.

Says Crazy Stephen. Let me guess...you did time with this douche and you're still in?

"You must be fearless in person. In which case I challenge you."

You can take the junkie felon out of prison but...well, you know the rest.

Your trip back is, apparently, one disliked insult away. Good luck with that. But you did prove the point you wanted to make...you're not pacifist.

Asynchronous does not "simply" mean "not at the same time..." not at all. Beyond there being multiple proper definitions of the word, there are also colloquial uses. Rate and time are different things. But that type of thinking is typical of those that "educate" themselves in prison. You may want to consider adding a

Armed robbery is a violent crime. Whether he hurt or killed anyone is immaterial to the definition of the term; the threat of violence is the violence in this case. You're not really as obtuse as you are pretending to be are you?

Came from the Gawker front page. I think your bleeding heart missed the point...which is typically the case.

"Message board?" Jesus Christ, are you posting from 1996?

Lastly, I'll post wherever the fuck I want and couldn't give your mother's cunt whether or not you or anyone else agrees with me (but, again, you

Solution to what? I don't need to solve anything. The only person that needed to solve anything was the guy who had to do a decade in the pokey, and recover from the beast that is heroin. And I couldn't give a fuck if drugs are legal or not legal, quite honestly. Your inferences are bizarre.

Is it 'demonizing' drug

Pretty sure that apologizing while being violent is the ultimate form of passive-aggression. There's no "pacifist" about that.

Love how heroin addled violent crime is fine around here, but disparate thought is not.

I think you just created the perfect tagline for Gawker Media!

"Contributing factors" would appear to be, basically, heroin. I've lost friends and family to that beast. And while there is plenty of gray area in heroin addiction, there is also one absolute that I've learned through unfortunate experience:


You hurt my head permanently with that. I'd seriously rather be robbed by the above armed "pacifist" than have been subjected to whatever that was that you linked to. At least the "pacifist" would apologize for having done that to me.

Yes, I saw/noticed that. I'm still having trouble reconciling "pacifist" with armed robber.

He's a junkie and convicted violent felon. Labeling himself a "pacifist" is just ridiculous, and asynchronous. Pacifists, by definition, do not arm themselves in the first place...and apologizing to people as he commits armed

The story's already been told by an actual big-timer: http://www.amazon.com/The-Black-Hand…

That's the real shit; everything else is sort of amateur hour.

But I'm sure you were the nicest armed robber in history. Goodness gracious.

Yes, your capital 'D' was sort of lost on me until right before I hit publish...but then I ignored my instinct because dialogue these days is more about waiting for our turn than about considering any disparate opinion (and it was my turn).

Be safe and rational tomorrow; it appears as though it's going to be a

By [Hali]FAX. Sorry again. :)

You actually don't "believe in the Democratic process." You believe that people in population centers are more important (at best) or more intelligent (at worst) than those that are not in population centers. You would also appear to believe that "old white people" should only vote if they think like you. None of that