
oh my god +everything

This is maybe my favorite thing that I’ve ever read on Jezebel. Your mom is a badass!

Yes, for me this was more a story about mental illness than the cars. Good lord. The guy is a manipulative hoarder, probably BPD and in deep deep denial. Great article though!

Yes, as someone who has worked in the psychiatric field and struggled to get our patients beds at inpatient facilities this struck me as fanciful, to say the least. This is not how insurance works, for one thing. Also, every facility I have ever dealt with wants to bounce people as soon as possible, not hang on to

I very rarely put anything in the overhead bin. I almost always check my suitcase because I have no desire to deal with it on the plane so I definitely wouldn’t have tried with a stroller but most people try to shove everything they can in those bins so it doesn’t surprise me at all. On the last flight I took I saw a

OH MY FUCKING GOD. On a jury with 11 women.

I’ve always checked my stroller at the gate but there are strollers now that fold up small enough to fit in an overhead bin. I personally wouldn’t do it because wouldn’t want to drag a folded stroller and two babies through an airplane by myself but it can’t be any worse than some of the other shit I’ve seen people

There was a whole Keanu discussion on a music sharing site that I hang out on just a week ago. And now this. Fuck.



Now playing

I can’t get through this without sobbing my eyes out right now.

From what I have seen FB/Insta many many people think “ridiculous” is actually spelled “rediculous.” With an E. They pronounce like that and then spell it like that even though they must have an autocorrect screaming at them.

Oh my god, me too. :(

ARGH autocorrect - this was supposed to be FUCKERY though I wish it was fakery.

Also, best of luck. It looks grim but I am really hoping the Medicare fakery doesn’t go anywhere.

Before I unfriended my aunt on Facebook she went on this little rant about how Medicare and SS are not entitlements, they are benefits that she has earned and paid into and they need to leave her benefits alone, etc etc etc. SHE VOTES REPUBLICAN. She was a vocal Trump supporter. The mind boggles.

I haven’t spoken to my father since the election for the same reason. I’m so sorry, I hope talking to someone about it helps. 

Oh yes, please tell me how my fear at what will happen during the next four years means I didn’t live through the Bush years.

Me too.

I’m so sorry. Thanks for the vibes. :)