
I’m quite straight but I’m finding is Abby Wambach sexy as hell.

Under most other circumstances, I would accept bribes to swap out a maid of honour in a heartbeat. In this case though, not only would I not take that psycho’s money, she wouldn’t even be invited to the wedding.

Sorry, not enough tequila in Mexico to make Michael Phelps hot in my eyes.

Ryan Lochte is hurting in his heart you guys

I saw an eclair at my local timmies the other day. I thought I was just going delirious from hunger while waiting in line. By the time I got to the front of the line it was gone. Was I imagining that eclair or is timmies going real upscale now?

I want it ALL!


I wonder what the discourse would be if it were a bunch of right-wing players kneeling to protest what they believe Obama did to their country.

Recently found out the fairgrounds where I live is littered with bodies from the war of 1812. Now all my childhood memories of going there are slightly tainted.

So he basically is mansplaining mansplainging of us? The irony.

Good luck with that

What does Naomi Klein mean she is “safely back from Canada"?

I was curious about the cause of death and made the mistake of looking in the comments section of the People article on her passing. Somehow I never cease to be surprised by the cruelty and bigotry of small, anonymous internet people.

Question: is it still shade if you're not even aware you're doing it?

He actually comes off as a decent guy in this. Wonders never cease.

This has to be a fake.

I threw a muffin in the garbage in my grade one class. My teacher made me fish it out and eat it. I wish I had went home to tell my parents.