Oh Snap!

Yes, we need to spread the stories of love and strength! A mosque burned to the ground between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Saturday morning in Victoria, Texas. (I’m not from there, but I have family that used to live there.) They don’t know yet what caused the fire, but luckily no one was there and no one was hurt. Hundreds of

What a tragedy. When we lived in Canada our French family friends moved to Quebec and it is such a gorgeous city. Old Quebec is beautiful. The city is incredibly peaceful, and can go a year without a single murder, though sometimes they done have 1, maybe 2.

Such a tragedy. This is the kind of senseless violence we are trying to avoid in this country. Who knows what might happen to Muslim refugees in America if Mr. Trump hadn’t generously turned them away?

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!

Some shady Bette Davis quotes about Joan Crawford:

You really get spoiled living in and around Boston ‘cause I’ve never seen a MAGA hat or t-shirt or even any Trump signs around where I live. But if I did see one, I would certainly give them a stern, disapproving yet mournful look, followed by an even sadder head-shake. Maybe even a resigned “sigh”.

For the first time in my life, I’m considering buying a gun (or two). Fuck every dingus who voted for Trump, because I now stress about my safety everywhere I go. I was always aware of my surroundings, like some minority spidey-sense, but this shit is grotesque and is endorsed by the highest office in the land....

Dammit James.

I wonder if the police are lying in order to fit in with the new Trump ethos, or if they are lying on orders from the Trump Administration?

A not insignificant number of them are loving it right now.

I’ll save you some time: they take absolutely no personal responsibility for Trump’s election.

The minister that confirmed me marched with Dr. King in Selma. There was a pre-march orientation that included points like “don’t wear a tie or anything else around your neck you probably will be chocked, perhaps to death, with it”. But the word given was that when arrested you would be hauled down to the courthouse &

Nothing to do with anything but he also lies about how tall he is.

You know damn well they’d be all in her corner, calling the father Satan.

He is not a gold digger because he’s staying at home raising their kid, who has a medical condition.


That whole exploiting the child’s blood disorder comment really got me. For someone who blathers on about Christianity, none of her actions seem very “Christian” to me.

The child support should be what it should be, but Sherri continues to look like an asshole here. She is by no means the first person of either gender to end up with a child she wishes she never had with a partner she wishes she never met. The decent thing to do here would have been to make support payments from the

I think this was the woman who was interviewed by This American Life in their last episode. Don’t dismiss her, she had a lot of very smart things to say and everything she said about how congress works is absolutely correct.