every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.
every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.
Drag her, drag Ivanka, drag the fucking ten year old. I don’t give a single, solitary fuck anymore. Do what needs done.
Capitulating and playing nice with these motherfuckers for the last sixteen years has led straight to this shit. It’s time for us to strangle the fucking stupid out of them if we have to.
All white women certainly aren’t the enemy but it’s exceedingly easy to lose sight of this fact when even the progressive white women, who should know better, are so often identical to their conservative peers.
OP was just worried about the zipper conducting electricity.
There is a whole lot of ugly defensiveness by white feminists that needs to be thought through and addressed. I would say the only thing I don’t understand about the above post is “They deserve space to say that they feel betrayed by the 53 percent of white women who voted for Trump—and the silent accomplices smiling…
Think you may have meant
I know that in New Jersey, cops are required to be tased and pepper-sprayed on a periodic basis, so that they know exactly what happens when they do it to citizens. I have a very white reason for knowing this.
Hey, they were chafing me!
I’ll be that person... Was this a black child, specially a male, this would never happen. And if it by chance would, the outrage from Fox and their ilk would be enormous...
Right? All the ones worth tazing wouldn’t agree to get tazed; the one willing to be tazed, by definition, isn’t the one you’d want.
Small qualm. Go Alyssa!!! :D
Why would you grudgingly say it? Seems like a pretty cool dude.
I assume the cop kept his pants on. See, that’s where you went wrong.
At first I was like, “YEAH FUCK COPS” but this one did right by this girl, even knowing it’d be painful.
Wants a pig and tased a cop...
And when I asked that 17 year old girl to taze me I got slapped with a restraining order.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
I have never in my fucking life seen a more worthy dying wish experience. Fuck yes, Alyssa.
The only response I can think is to my fellow white ladies: