
Very little of what you bring up bothers me, either because things seemed to be in general easier for me to figure out than they seemed to have been for you, or because of the Pip Boy iPad app. And I like that the [ HIDDEN ] text is in the middle of the screen rather than the corner, and it’s really not that big. But

The interface could be improved, but a lot of your complaints are foolish.

I lot of these really seem like your fault or at least highly exaggerative. I agree the pipboy’s map is terrible, and inventory annoying (it doesn’t have enough organizational flexibility for one thing). And as a long time halo player right up until halo 5, I have played with forge for hours on end, by comparison

You act as if they have to change everything for it to feel fresh. Im enjoying it because it’s like Fallout 3 and there’s not an abundance of new things to learn as you just explained what’s missing. For me, what you explained, that ruins series I like. Quit thinking everything has to be over intuitive for it to be

100% agree on the Pip Boy app. It is a great addition to the game but hardly anyone mentions it. Yes, it has a barrier to entry as not everyone is going to have a nice tablet to run it on, but it’s existence alone is a pretty big indicator that Bethesda is aware that the in-game Pip Boy is not all that easy to

I consider the Pip Boy interface’s inefficiency as not only purposeful, but part of the charm.

Ditto. It’s part of the charm of the game.

Well that’s your own fault for having the wrong quest selected for your way point. Also, the drug addict old woman is almost as far north as you can get and not a city at all. diamond city is far to the south. How did you not notice any of this?

Agree. The interface isn’t bad at all if you try to understand it for more then 5 minutes.

Yep, me too. I can’t believe Kirk is crying about the Pip boy taking up only half the screen. Who cares? Everything fits perfectly inside it. Making the interface wider wouldn’t have helped anything.

Nope. Game is awesome.

EDIT!!: Oh wait, you said - Its great and worth the money

Stupid me, I read too fast. Still - game is awesome. Can’t. Stop. Playing.

The realtime map is easily the most useful feature. Being in 3rd person and watching your armor change in realtime is pretty fun too.

I’ve found downloading the Pipboy app onto a tablet so you can actually see what is going on works the best. I just keep it in my lap while I play, and use it as a real-time map when I’m not in my inventory.

You missed a small pocket of useful information :p

I agree with some of your points, but I have to disagree with you about the Pip-boy. Granted it is a bit clunky, however, it’s meant to add immersion into the game. It’s not supposed to be some smooth perfect UI, but rather this atomic 1950’s era smart watch. Also, if you don’t know how to use V.A.T.S. you should not

I can see how people who haven’t played a Bethesda Fallout might hate it but as someone who loves 3 and NV, I’m attached to how the Pip-Boy works. (Steakth needs work.) The interface is designed around immersion and I prefer it to svelte gamey menus, myself.

i like the interface as well.

Seriously, if you have a tablet. Use the darn pip boy app. I’m not sure I’d be able to keep my sanity if I wasn’t using this glorious app. It makes navigating everything a little less awful. Using your own actually touch input to navigate feels so much better. Also nice because you don’t have to keep entering and

I won’t lie in that its obviously designed for a controller, and would probably suck on KB+M..... Good thing I prefer controller though, because I like the UI as well.

I like the interface.