
I read the very beginning of your post and I already know exactly why you don’t get it.

I made it so far and then you said “Harley Quinn” (DC’s Deadpool for the one person out there who doesn’t know).
I can’t keep reading.

You’re an idiot

What are you talking about? I’ve been a huge Fallout fan for years and this game is amazing. Stop whining. Not everyone has to try and be the Angry Video Game Nerd or one of the 100000000 versions of him on the internet.

You don’t haaaaave to grow plants :|

Holy crap!? A sequel feels like the game that came before it!? ALL THEY DID WAS UPDATED SOME STUFF BUT IT STILL FEELS LIKE THE SAME SERIES!? HOLY CRAAAAP! It’s a TERRIBLE game OMG don’t buy it because it’s similar to another game in the series.

I love it. I’m getting a little tired of this whining about Fallout 4 just to hop on the whining about Fallout 4 bandwagon.