
James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

Bey, that’s really harsh. Ugly people know they’re ugly; no need to call them on it.

Kanye is fucked up but he isn’t talentless.

am I bad for thinking that the word “talentless” is too large of a word for Beyonce to use? Dare I say, too eloquent?

I mean (and let’s ignore absolutely all of her actual skills and CV), she’s objectively one of the most beautiful First Ladies there has been

Member Berries.

The press and public tore Chelsea apart as much as they dared back in the day. I can’t imagine what it would be like now with the exponential rise of the net and shit like reddit and 4chan. And you know there’s a full time staff now at the Secret Service devoted entirely to sorting the most vile shit imaginable aimed

The same reason that world class gymnasts are usually very small in stature. Because they have less weight and mass to move around in their routines do they can do more complicated maneuvers at a faster rate than normal sized people.

He had a $450 Gift Card and he shoplifted $250 worth of stuff. I’m guessing Ed is a math major at Arkansas with a minor in physical education.

If you want to see it turn from a friendly feud to a “Oh no, not this conversation again” argument try going north of SF and listening to the locals talk about “truly northern California,” trying to define The Bay as “Central Cal” to all 60 people who actually live up here. I say this knowing that I was one of these

The SEC Country linked story says he was caught putting additional items in his bag after the shopping spree was over.

ain’t like it used to be, friend. back when things were great. ain’t what it used to be, that’s for sure.

Too bad he was caught before the final stage of the heist: the returning of the stolen goods for cash.

Shoplifting during a competition in which the store is giving you free stuff? The sheer weight of this guy’s balls must make playing football rather difficult.

Sprinkle is alleged to have taken “items worth more than the allotted cost available.”

I once caught a running back from the University of Nevada shoplifting years ago and was disappointed he didn’t just run away from me.

After this, he might be a former VP at Citibank.

“..led down the aisle in cuffs”

so which one of them was a youtube prankster