Typically I just yell "Last one to finish does the dishes" and make it a race.
OH MY GOD YOU ARE A GENIUS. This thought had never occurred to me before! Thank you!
I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.
Being the mother of a son has showed me that men are sort of just born this way/pick up on enough societal clues to become entitled assholes. I see my son, at 6 years old, trying to steal credit for his sisters' play ideas or Lego creations, and I nip that shit right in the bud, or he will grow up to be that guy when…
Most of the people I know who are into Bjork ARE men.
Whenever I see someone dissing the 90's all I think is "MANY GOOD BJORK RECORDS"!
Show of hands: who else Googled Mitchum-Humpsterfumper Disease?
Eeeep! #CORRECTIONS! Sugar Bear is not the child molester. He has his own criminal past, but not that (he robbed campsites and such). He's Alanna/Honey Boo Boo's father, not the man who molested Anna and others. That's Mark something, a whole other dude. Mama June is now claiming she caught Sugar cheating online…
Don't doubt the power of the panties to the side trick. Love me some side panty action.
My very first.
I'm sorry, did you mean to submit to a "Hero Stories" contest?
I have slept with so many embarrassing people. I made a lot of poor decisions in my late teens/early 20s. I lost my virginity to a 16 year old drug dealer when I was 18. And then I slept with him again a couple weeks later because I thought it might make me feel like it was a thing and not just a truly horrible idea.…
1) An Irish guy who purposely mooned me and my friend at a pizza place in NYC. He was wearing a kilt. We banged on a couch in my friend's dorm room. I think the kilt stayed on.
A Juggalo. I would elaborate but I don't really think that's necessary.
Does anyone else have that horrible Friends phenomenon of realizing that you're older than they are meant to be and freaking out? They seemed SO GROWN UP when I was a teenager.