It absolutely is. “I don’t want your meatballs” is my new favorite way to tell someone to fuck off.
I’m with you on the rage. I’m practically a pacifist. I capture bugs I see in my house and bring them outside because I don’t like killing them. But when I read stuff like this, I just want to cause this man so much physical pain. Like, beat him to within inches of death pain. I don’t know what that says about me and…
I was excused from jury duty once for this very reason. The defendant walked into the courtroom before we heard any details of the case. I took one look at him and thought, “Child molester.” Turns out, that was exactly what he was being tried for.
I can relate. I got a wedding-look makeover at the Bobbi Brown counter at the Bloomingdales in Manhattan, and it was the worst makeup ever - I literally looked like a clown, with crazy bright lipstick all outside my natural lipline. While I walked the 13 blocks home, people were staring at my like I was a crazy lady…
A toilet at my gym appeared to have menstrual blood exploded all over it. I was like how is this even possible? The only truly nice gym I’ve ever attended was over 100 dollars per month (my work paid half.) Anything less than $25 month, you’re gonna get poop, lice, people in jeans and work boots on the treadmill,…
"...if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn't be here today."
Yeah, I was in a long-term relationship once with a guy whose best friend was not only a woman, but a woman he'd once dated (many years before, she was married to someone else by then). Many of my friends were baffled, "Aren't you jealous?!" Hell no! She accompanied him to activities that I have zero interest in, and…
It is meaningful to me, I'm with you sister.
They do this from time to time when new shows are coming out. I actually had Terry Crews when I had my old phone, but when I went to download Waze on my new phone I couldn't figure out how to get it back (which was fine...because although I like him, I did not like him yelling at me all the time). I clicked on a…
Seth Meyers is a LOT more charming than Jimmy Fallon.
Yep. If I use a face product that has SLS, I know immediately. Take Cetaphil, for example — the bastion of "mild, innocuous, recommended by dermatologists" face wash — I used it once — ONCE and when I walked out of the bathroom, my husband literally gasped when he saw me; my face was red, scaly and had the texture…
Preach, girl! Sorry we're so "shrill" about our bleeding sores, right? I've never been so shrill as when I was begging the dermo for an answer and filling that prescription for an extra-strength tube of cortizone the size of a tube of Crest. Hand soap and shampoo basically melt our skin. Why would anyone laugh at…
this stuff. is. amazing. (i do not have the same type of hair as you but the salesperson who sold it to me the first time did.) it smells sensational and it's just all around awesome.,en_U…
Yeah, that part struck me as unnecessarily harsh for the point it was trying to make- sure, my scalp makes the oil, not the hairs themselves, but it does end up on my hair, so sulfates *do* strip oils from hair. Just not the oils that hair makes.
Yes, yes, yes, OK fine, shampoo with sulfates is not poison death. Great.
I was horrified when I found out I had a TOOTHPASTE that had microbeads (I wasn't looking when I bought it). The stupid beads got stuck in my teeth and the environmental factor is awful.
I found a pretty good blog once that goes into some depth explaining the stigma behind 1,4-dioxane. The guy who writes this is a cosmetic scientist and has a lot of interesting information. Basically - like Lyz pointed out above, there's no conclusive evidence either way…
LUSH used to have a hair treatment with beer in it, but they got rid of it. It worked really well. I've never tried making my own but that's a great idea—maybe I'll try mixing beer in with my conditioner.