I think Dan Bilzerian is on pace to break the Mile High Club record. He's 33 and seems to be on a private jet with a harem at least twice a week.
Minnesota people will be nice to you (to your face only) so it should be a fun trip
whatever lacrosse* team
and many others are now driving trucks.
ahhhhh gotchya. sorry to get all testy before 10am
Those kids were, frankly, probably a lot smarter than the ones at the University of South Carolina who either 1) thought saying they were from the city when they weren't was cool or 2) believed that so many kids raised in Manhattan chose to attend the University of South Carolina.
not even kind of an answer, was that a joke? I think I missed your point. Are you saying George Preston Marshall, a noted bigot who named his football team a racial slur just so he could differentiate it from the Red Sox is the straw man here?
It doesn't happen as much in places that are close to the city because everyone knows better. For example, I went to college in South Carolina and pretty much every kid from Westchester, Long Island, Jersey or Connecticut would claim to be from NYC, then when I moved here at 22 and tried to get in touch with some of…
yeah for real. just because you can take NJ Transit into the city in less than an hour doesn't mean you're from the city.
Though MetLife Stadium is only 11 miles from Manhattan it feels way farther because of how difficult it is to actually get there from the city.
how do either of the things you pointed out make someone a good person?
+1 Cartographer
Neighbor Todd pronounces both d's in his last name. Just to be a dick.
you casually use the N-word a lot, don't you?
Well I just cried a lot.
If you're ok with sitting in the upper deck or the outfield bleachers at Yankee Stadium you can almost always get in the door for $20 or less, aside from weekends and Red Sox games
both are good points.
I go to plenty of Yankee games too, the upper sections (where you can get tickets for like $20 or less to most weekday games on stubhub) are generally pretty full, and the moat section is a wasteland, but even the middle sections don't seem to be all that well populated. Weekend games obviously do a lot better, but…
say what you want, but go to any weeknight Yankee game and most sections are, at best, 40% full. They could barely get anyone to show up for the 2012 ALCS.