
Actually I would imagine a moral and ethical shithole like Yankee Stadium being the only place in the world where he would be cheered.

Letting off steam, otherwise players could really get injured, like broken bones and shit, instead of imaginary “diseases” of the brains.

Reading this story has given me symptoms of full-blown CTE.

The most over-rated manager ever.

This is the same level of feigned excitement these clowns provide for a dropped catch, or a bowled wicket, or a simple boundary. Nothing to see here, folks.

Amazing. You did say it never happened. You said it was a bogus accusation. White House job waiting for you.

Yes, they are usually close to the escalators. But you will still walk the store after eating, you will still leave $300 poorer.

Easy tiger—that coach making $17M/year pays taxes too. Everybody suffers.

Trump will fix this.

Seriously. No one has ever questioned Jeter’s post-injury (one that had a troubled healing) super season before the final contract.

Yawkey twerking in his grave.

If I saw this black man in the airport I would have called the police.

We could know, if the woman decides to tell her story.

Not recanted. She didn’t want to go to a trial.

He didn’t go through “any court process”. There wasn’t a trial.

Gary Bettmann.

Please, “Freedoms”. More than one: Right to own gun. Right to use it. Etc.

Or on Steph Curry’s mental illlness.

Saw that one coming about 112 er, make that 110, miles down the road.

The guy has just been convicted of rape—do we give a shit that he made a guy cry?