
Good for you, but for a lot of us it’s also about our families and friends and combining them and that ends up being a lot of people and a lot of stuff. Your air of superiority for making a choice that works for YOU is tackier than any “bunch of things”.

I read in a book about the fallacies of positive thinking (I forget the title of it now, by the author had breast cancer and used her own experiences as a major part of the book) that the support groups run by Komen have a kind of relentless positivity, to the point where people are discouraged from coming back if

Right?! People don’t die from cancer because they “don’t fight hard enough.”

Awe! Golly-gee, thanks!

THIS. As a cancer patient myself, I respectfully but relentlessly shut down people who call me a “warrior” in my “brave fight” with the disease. I loathe those obits that say things like “she lost her battle with cancer” as if she somehow didn’t put up enough of a fight, or lacked the right attitude. No, she died

Same here! That’s the best part about Jezebel, it informs! Now if only I wasn’t a grey. Lol

Yeah, I feel torn about this. Komen has certainly met it’s original goal of raising “awareness” for women, and I think that was good. Now they are just a fund-sucking self-help program with relentless positivity brainwashing that can be exclusionary to women who are actually dying of breast cancer, which does still

scientology is like if mean girls and jonestown had a baby.

Nah I don’t think they’re rascist , I just think they choose to acknowledge popular activism but ignore the rest

You really think they don’t know that black men make less than white women or that women of color make less than white women?

Credit for what? For continuing to ignore POC ?

You’re totally right, of course. Blows my mind too. Plus it’s my personal preference to dress for comfort and function like 98% of the time I have a say in the matter. (I don’t always have a say- at work, at events, etc). The other 2% I’ll put on something pretty. I figure athletic shorts and t’s are the dude’s

Why? This website’s discussions always amaze me with the random things people decide to hate. Really, I’ve learned that there are people who will break up with / hate / judge the following: men with gray hair who ride skateboards, any adult who does not have a bedframe, Gwenyth Paltrow and Pippa Middleton, now men who

No, you should just create a blog documenting that and send us all the link. I love basketball shorts.

Mine is wonderful and would wear athletic shorts and an ultimate frisbee jersey every day if allowed. Plus Adidas sliders.

What kinda weirdo wears pants all day? I’m in gym shorts within 5 minutes of walking in the door at the end of the day.

That was a truly ironic Freudian slip, but at the same time, NO RAGRETS. Like, he was basically the house-boyfriend-pet-thing. Like, he never left, spent all the time with his girlfriend, to the point where he would WHINE if she didn’t get up and go with him to get a glass of water. WHICH WAS ALL THE WAY DOWNSTAIRS.

Could you give me the location of the basketball court at which your boyfriend plays? Not asking for a friend.

“Our boyfriend...”? Go on...

Oh god, are you my college roommate? Our boyfriend refused to wear anything other than basketball/athletic-type shorts (I and the other roommates came to refer to these as “unstructured pants”) and whenever they got particularly amorous (which was basically just making out a little), the boner would show up (which we