
That the US govt can still say there is no recreational use to pot just goes to show how deep in the pocket the alcohol lobbyists are.


Yeah it kind of crosses into that territory, but furthermore, we are a non-profit that is funded through government contracts and the non-profit is very diverse and supports inclusion across all categories (religious, ethnic, abled-ness, etc). Some of our clients don't believe in BC and procreate as a cultural

I’m from a Jewish background, so “The New Testament God is nothing like your asshole God” is an all-too-familiar litany for me. Fortunately, instead of falling for that mindfuck, I just went with atheism instead.

I can’t think of a sillier comment about this article.

I’m a grown man who sleeps with a fitted sheet and a comforter, no other sheet. What the hell good does the other sheet do besides stick to me when I try to roll over if I’m sweaty and make for another sheet to wash/put back on the bed?

I don’t really store much there, but I did it anyway since I can’t pass up “free”.

I think she will be able to keep up!!! It does look like she’s maxed out on difficulty as far as elite goes but her instagram posts recently look like she’s working out like crazy in addition to training. Plus NCAA trains way less than elite and she’s always been super consistent aside from last year. I think she’ll

If you have any experience with this phenomenon—if someone used OKCupid to persuade you to vote Trump, even—please let us know in the comments.

Also I think Simone Biles has committed to UCLA and she’s amazing.

Also these kids:

I thought it was a shredded wheat biscuit at first lol I was like wtf shredded wheat does astronomy?!?!

Trying to make bad relationships work.

There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.

How to prepare in NYC. Keep boots by the door for when you need to run out to Duane Reade to pick up all the stuff you forgot to pick up on your last trip 2 hours ago.

Ah! Silly me. Can’t believe I forgot to include knitting. Yes, this is a great time to hone your knitting skills.

You can’t just drop a “oh BTW, I wrote a Guy Fieri profile two months ago” on us. Give us a warning first. Jesus.
