
Worcester is the cesspool of America. I can’t think of any single place more depressing other than MAYBE post-Katrina New Orleans, but even then, probably not.

And Mackenzie still looks like she’s 4.

Mine that I’ve posted on Vitals before and that has kept me going (-50lbs in 6 months!) is that it doesn’t matter what your last meal was, it matters what your next meal is. I don’t punish myself because I broke down and had a few cookies or pizza or whatever because there’s nothing (healthy) you can do it about it

Not necessarily. I’m under 30 and while I remember Heaven’s Gate (I was 10 or 11 at the time), I didn’t know anything about Solar Temple before reading this article. Having relatives who were adults in the ’70s, however, I heard all about Jonestown as a child.

I think lot-key is a perfectly fine pronunciation for latke; different Jewish groups pronounce it differently and I’ve heard both. Lat-key would be way worse.

Side note: Can you please explain why people from Minnesota think it’s the most important place in the world? Everyone I’ve ever met from there talks more about Minnesota than they do about anything else combined.

That + a little Kiehl’s moisturizer between the brows does the trick!

There was a question about washing eyebrows. I shared a perspective on washing eyebrows. So, you’re welcome ...?

God/Buddha/Adonai/Whoever blessed me with preternaturally dry skin where there’s dense hair growth, and that includes under the eyebrows. A few times a week I’ll scrub them with some Head and Shoulders after washing my hair just to get the dry, dead skin away.

Isn’t Rodgers like, secretly really, really Christian? Hasn’t he said he doesn’t like to proselytize but is essentially as devout as Tebow? I don’t know if this was necessarily 100% a dig at Wilson or if this is another person babbling about an omniscient supreme entity being a fan of theirs.

My (30+) roommate acts like the guy in the still for the video. We went to a fancy-ish-but-fancy-enough place for a friend’s birthday a couple years ago and as soon as we sat down, she rearranged the wine list, candles, and other table accoutrements so that she could properly Instagram them (with the flash on). I was

Now playing

Do people seriously get this worked up over...cell phone operating systems? Specifically, the cell phone operating systems that other people use?

Cheap wine in half the cups and 10% ABV beer in half the cups is bad, too. And I was like 24 :(.

Re: Hillary and Bill, I’ve 100% suspected that’s what Carlos Danger’s ace has been the whole time. I think it’s totally a thing with him and Huma.

Thanks! I actually lost like 50 between early April and mid-July and then took about 2 months off for my birthday/travel/depression/summer and am back on the grind now. The goal is to go hardcore until Thanksgiving, let myself be free during the holidays (I get really, really seasonally affected so I refuse to refuse

This all boils down to what I tell myself all the time: It doesn’t matter what your last meal was, it matters what your next meal is.

Oof. No wonder you’re single. Even as a fellow writer/editor I would look at that pretentious-as-fuck “disclaimer” and move right along. If you need to give someone instructions on how to say hello to you, you're too high maintenance.

I don’t know how it works with heteros, but on gay apps whenever I message someone I’ve never talked to before, I always open with “Hey, how’s it going?” Or “Hey, what’s up?” So that it: 1) invites the person to actually respond instead of just saying hi back (which is all that happens anyway) and 2) isn't really

That’s fine, but this lovely vertical isn’t called Adequate Heterosexual Man. If these editors want to imply that men are “inadequate” in certain ways, they need to be addressing the alleged inadequacy of the entire male population, not just the ones they want flowers from. Otherwise it’s the same thing as reinforcing

Oh cool, I thought it was gold mouth like, “oh, you have enough to have a grill now, you’re a boss,” etc. Thanks!