
Yeah, that was our flip side. My sweater budget was about 300% higher than usual the first year I worked there because it was so goddamn cold in the fall until after Thanksgiving that I would literally just shiver for hours and not be able to type coherently. And we weren’t allowed to have space heaters because it

Also, consider adopting an older animal! I got a senior cat from a friend and she's the best pal I could ever ask for. Trained, calm, and just wants to be on your lap/against your side the entire time. I lucked out because she's really healthy *knock on wood* and still quite active/vocal/responsive, but having her has

Eh, I’d say general advice unless you weren’t actually exhibiting that behavior. Smugness ain’t that life.

Oh, you mean the best episode of television that’s ever been aired? Yes, 3.13. Shut the door. Have a seat. Omg, when Roger makes the phone call I SQUEAL every time because you-know-who is coming back.

I worked in an academic building from like 1500 BC so we were very dependent on the weather. They usually wouldn’t turn the heat on in our building until late November, and the a/c wouldn’t come on until late May. That + sitting next to a gigantic window was definitely not fun sometimes.

Ugh, being a plus-sized MAN is preventing me from wearing those! If I wanted to cross-dress, it would be a nightmare. I have to order shoes online because stores don’t sell my size.

At my last job, I was told I was “too casual” for wearing polo shirts with khakis during the summer. One of my team members would wear flip flops and peasant skirts and have pit stains from her morning workout displaying all day.

And I’d take not self-harming and seriously contemplating suicide because of the treatment a boss who was trying to “lean in” too hard gave me while paying me considerably lower than the rest of the team if I had to give some of my money back.

I was at a lunch last year where I was the only male among the 8 of us. It was, at that point, the hottest day of the year, and everyone decided that sitting outside would be appropriate because heat + Mexican food or something. I must have drank 2 liters of water before my entrée came.

omg, are you my former editor? i don’t think she “bakes” so much as “drinks a lot of vodka,” but everything else totally fits.

Say what you will, but I don’t know a single guy that’s not envious of the fact that you can wear a sundress or even open-toed shoes and/or no sleeves on a 95-degree day when we need to wear slacks and button-front shirts, undershirts, and jackets.

That is litrully the most baffling thing I’ve ever heard. If my students knew their shit and knew that they knew it, I would be...I dunno, proud of them for excelling and myself for teaching them well?

Very well said. I have a niece in elementary school who loves and excels at math, and I would love it if she grew up to go into STEM (if that’s what she wants!), but I worry that it’ll get beaten out of her by the social construct of tech being a boys club.

Yeah, my bad moods all stemmed from the fact that my boss was singling me out for abuse on my team and bluntly degrading my self-worth. Definitely didn’t make me want to try harder.

Oreos make your mouth look disgusting, so I would have welcomed it. Also, yeah, being super high also helps.

Sara Bareilles, who writes and composes her own music and lyrics and has had several pop hits, is also a testament to the fact that when it's done solo, it's done better.

I love being alone. LOVE IT. Like, 95% of the time. Every so often, I get a crushing weight on my shoulders that tells me I’m garbage because I’ve never been able to make it work with someone, but other than that 5%, the loner life is ideal for me. Once every couple weeks I’ll take myself out to dinner with a good

While you're at it, can you please make more articles a little more SFW in the URLs? I can't read like 20% of the things I want to because just clicking the link would raise flags.

No, fuck everybody who does this, chiefly my roommate. It's a goddamn beep. I don't want to be getting ready for work and seeing that it's 00:06. I want to know that it's 8:30 and I'm late like a good American.

I mean, he WAS testing the effect of smoke on the human spirit, just not from a volcano (had that vaporizer even been invented yet?)