
that's a lovely list, but my point was that all of the books are part of one series and all those titles sound schmaltzy. Based off the titles, it sounds like it's a self-published fan fiction series.

A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons? Things with these names are regarded as highbrow? Why is every book/the series [Noun] [conjunction] [Other Noun]?

G sharp

If dozens of boys were raped by Sandusky and it was covered up by Paterno and he still has his loyal, rabid fanbase, I don't think anyone who matters in the U.S. will give a shit that some Arab dudes are dying so they can enjoy pretending to be European for a couple weeks every four years.

I'm not lanky, but I am a big, versatile man. Hey, boys.

he's a classic case of "gets hotter every year he ages," a true rarity.

I can only hope that from the saying on her t-shirt, all of her words will be Valerie Cherish quotes.

Is anyone else having trouble downloading this app? I'm on 8.2 on an iPhone 6+ and when I click Get > Install, it does the circling motion for a second and then goes back to Get.

Is that flash, though, or is it bright lights from a nearby red carpet/party/backstage/whatever?

when I was younger I would stare at the clock for hours, and even now I still can't have a clock in my direct line of sight when trying to fall asleep. I slept about 3-4 hours a night in HS and would crash from 5-8 every evening. Now I just get stoned when it's bedtime and it works like a charm.

all of that money would be immediately funneled to relatives of the victims of the Holodomor, right?

Vegetarians and people who can't always afford meat as their protein source. I'm in the latter category and refuse to buy creamy unless it's for making peanut butter cookies. Also, when I was growing up we only used grape jelly and then I tried strawberry jelly as an adult and it's the best thing that's ever been

Or it's an attempt to be nonpartisan and examine an issue from all sides, even knowing which sides are blatantly wrong/backwards/reactionary. If you're just concerned with preaching to your own choir, you're not going to get anywhere. Why do you think Jezebel has such a negative reputation in the media? They throw up

I like how the only dissenting comment is still gray. You should know by now: DON'T try to learn more about feminism because if you don't already know everything, you're FUCKING GARBAGE.

DURRR ITZ 2 HARD is not a valid excuse, though. The song has been out—and been the national anthem of our country—since 1931. Should they sing the ABCs instead?

dot c r

What wealth-shaming, elitist language in this piece re: bedbugs in motels. Bedbugs do not nest because of cleanliness, but sure, perpetuate that myth. And if a motel is all you can afford for traveling (some people use them for actual sleeping and not just quick fucks), then you must deserve them because haha you're

After knowing someone who was a rising star in the organization, and seeing what a piece of shit he was (the type who thinks that being in Greenpeace cancels out every negative attribute he had, of which there were many), I'm not surprised they did this. It's one of the most self-congratulatory organizations around.

The most shocking thing about this was that the people she's yelling at aren't yelling back at her and trying to talk over her. They're just listening to her point of view. Maybe I've been watching too much reality TV lately, but it just seems so unusual. You can tell they're not in America, lol.

Only uTorrent because it takes so long to load on my computer. The rest I'll just all open manually. When my computer is on, Chrome, Adium, TextEdit are all always open.