
Did that term go out of style by the 90s when I was a latchkey kid and referring to myself as one? How passé.

What is this FASCISM? I wake up at 8:05, shower, dress, and am out the door by 8:35 to get to work by 9. I'm not getting up at 7:55 so that I can shit and play Sudoku on my phone when I can do that on company time.

Amen. I don't need r/trees, various xtube links, etc. showing up at work, either :).

Where are the American Spirits, tattered copy of something Bukowski, and taxidermy?!


And the good guys win and the execs make hundreds of millions and everyone is happy until the next movie where shit blows up for 2.5 hours and is THE BEST EVARRR is released.

Agreed, but so much of his shit looks the same—just regular buildings with curvy facades. It's like when Monica wore the fat suit.

Just like anyone from Minnesota. I couldn't imagine spending time with a libertarian from Minnesota. What awful thing would they talk about more?

The free market maximizes the liberties of a few select individuals. Everyone else was socially darwinned out because that's how it was meant to be, duh.

Statistically, people your (and my) age are not moving out of cities. The suburbs are becoming the new "inner cities" (read: minorities) and city centers are becoming full of young, white, college-educated people.

The only Ed Sheeran songs I've heard have nothing to do with his exes. The only Taylor Swift songs I've heard have everything to do with validating her feelings through male acceptance or rejection.

That's exactly what I use. Sometimes I add in that I would rather focus on developing one skillset in depth as opposed to my current position which is more of a generalist role. "At this point in my career, I'm ready to specialize in ..."

My company requires four weeks, and I have three weeks left before I'm out of here. I thought about going this route with my boss, but she would have just made the job even more hellish for me. Kudos to anyone who can actually have a mature conversation with a fellow adult instead of being terrified every minute of

Is there any more awkward word combination than "maths genius"

Ugh, like half my HS was Alpha Phi at Hofstra. This is so unsurprising.

What remotes/batteries are you using? My TimeWarnerCable and Roku remotes eat through batteries like a digital camera from 2004.

It's a sad reflection on the state of things when stating the basic truth of being decent is heralded as a visionary statement.


Oh my god. This is the best reference of the year.

How do you fix the image problem of the police to those who aren't afraid of being profiled/attacked, but who generally don't have confidence in their municipal/county police force (i.e., those who have been dismissed by cops or spoken down to when asking for assistance)? I find that I stay away from police officers