
What on earth do people need to do that an iPhone doesn't do? Not because It's An iPhone And It's Perfect, because far from it, but like, are people trying to control drones or launch nukes or something from Siri? It's a phone that lets me make calls and text and use data for the Internet and play games and arrange

Well fucking bully for you.

So the next time we see him, it'll be after smoking weed and eating junk while recovering for like 6 months and he'll basically be David Wells?

Bingo! And especially if you're following the AP curricula, this is a non-issue. The World History test is almost all about change over time, cause and effect, and trends across world history. APUSH is a little more linear, but still focuses on who, what, and why. Personally, I would prefer way more "when" in history

As far as I know, NYS students need to take a financial literacy test as part of their curriculum (at least that's how it was 10 years ago when I was a senior). My school also taught study skills in middle school, though I think seniors in high school would benefit from this class immensely before going to college.

One-on-one stranger interactions give me more anxiety than anything else. My therapist didn't know what to do with me when I told her that I have no problem (well, very little problem) with public speaking or being in front of a group, but that leading a small meeting or interacting with a few people who I do not know

Didn't Gawker Media put the kibosh on "derp" over a year ago because this isn't 4chan or quickmeme?

Thank you! And a follow-up. Say I put a certain amount in my cover letter because they mandated it. In salary negotiations, am I able to ask for more?

So if I make $55K and am hoping for $65K from a job I'm interviewing for, it wouldn't be imprudent to say that I make $58K now?

I am! Because I don't say things like "hand me an analog beer."

No, they're cigarettes. E-cigarettes already distinguish themselves from their "analog" brethren by bearing the "e-" prefix. That's all the differentiation there needs to be. It's like when someone says "I also [something], too." One of those is unnecessary because the distinction has already been made.

Please don't ever call them "analog cigs" again.

you DO know that people were vaporizing other, better things for years before e-cigarettes came out, right?

Stuck on the gray side?

I don't visit Jezebel that often, but I can't say I've ever seen one of these GIFs and am glad about that. Sounds even worse than the Bugs Bunny Florida scene over at Gawker during the George Zimmerman verdict.

New York, NY (Inwood/Washington Heights, Manhattan)

this is essentially a re telling of the urban legend wherein teens do buttsexing, it goes messily awry, and the dog is blamed and summarily put down.

No need, because what I'm smoking is making me agree with you, so you can have some of mine :).

Exactly. Like, who on earth is buying that album? What even IS that album? Nicki will be really visible. Not saying that the same standards shouldn't apply across the board, because they should, but Nicki's cover should at least be compared to something relevant.

TL;DR, but I know Virginia is heinous for speeding. My roommate made me switch when we drove down to Florida because if we got pulled over, he was going to get his license revoked due to a speeding ticket he had acquired there a few years earlier.