
Yeah, but how much better would it be if he cheated on Quinn from Daria?

You got the skills correct :).

I think you just stole a plot from a Season 1 episode of Friends.

As though I'd tell you.

I never understood the appeal of simply standing somewhere while someone takes a picture of it. Do you need to know what you looked like next to an alien statue?

I would love to use something like this, but my boss pretty much conducts her social life by forcing us into afternoon-long meetings.

I did this with lemon juice instead of HCl for my fifth grade science project.

Mark, we should be boyfriends because you are my ideal man.

I used to think that I was just eventually going to somehow create children and raise them, but as I've gone through my 20s, I realize that it is not at all something I want. Besides the obvious barriers with my particular situation as a gay male (finding a willing egg, fertilizing said egg, and hoping it carries to

New York City: Take out your phone and yell into it as loudly as possible as soon as the subway goes aboveground.

Sounds like they were at capacity.

I'm shocked that the Evernote web clipper isn't on here.

Yeah, that's nice for Ryan Howard, but how is his hair? Does he run fast?

Gymnasts are without a doubt the most underrated athletes on the planet. Give me a 5' woman who can do a double layout and Shaposhnikova over any musclebro any day of the week.

There's less stigma around government assistance? Tell that to the 53%. #NOBAMAHUSSEIN

I really never understood the Gabby Douglas thing, and I'm a avid/rabid/football-in-Brazil-level gymnastics fan. What was so wrong about it? That it was straight?

Must be nice to not need to spend 9 hours a day at a day job.

With all these new verticals that are going on, it's just content, content, content!

Myth: I do not want to have sex with the guy who did this video.

My old boss said something that will stick with me forever: Good work is like air conditioning. The only time you notice it is when you don't have it.