
The most disturbing part of this to me is that it looks and sounds like that episode of Roseanne when David joins a Third Reich-esque theme park.

If a movie gets a D from G&L, it's probably really a B- or C+, but I think this may be the one case when they're not being too harsh. It looks so fucking terrible.

What's ugly about it? I find Spanish to be a very difficult language to listen to. It hits the ears all wrong, it's often unintelligible, and it's kind of dumbed down compared to other Romance languages. No tea, no shade against speakers, but I find it to be ugly.

You can accuse Beyoncé of a lot of things, but looking haggard is certainly not one of them? Try harder.


Spanish is certainly an ugly language.

Boston was so spot on. Just...so, so spot on. Kudos.

Maybe he was an accident and his mother named him where he should've ended up instead.

Just like how Seinfeld wouldn't exist if even two of them had cell phones.

I don't follow FUTBOL but Allez Les Bleus!

That's probably her food for the day/week/month/year, so she bites one area at a time so that it won't brown and spoil.

Clearly someone hasn't heard of "Ass Tulip in Full Bloom."

As a person who is Jewish and gay, you are my ideal partner. Do you have a queer brother by any chance?

Coming out at work is such a strange concept to me. I personally wouldn't, and haven't, said anything about my being gay because it's irrelevant to my job and I would have no idea how to even do it in the first place. Like, do you put a meeting on everyone's calendar and when they get to the conference room bring out

I literally cannot comprehend how you can rape someone. To paraphrase Seinfeld, both people need to turn the key. Sex with just one person's consent exists, and it's called masturbation. More than that and no one gets to call the shots; all for one and one for all.

I think according to the Rules of Order of Jezebel, the existence of this post makes you an MRA, Drew. Sorry to have to be the one to break it to you!

She's really cute and very funny, yes.

Paul Rudd in "I Love You Man" perfectly sums up how I leave voicemails.

Just like Bennett on OITNB!

Dip is SO FUCKING GROSS. I can understand the allure of smoking, but how does one start chewing tobacco? Eeesh.