
My sister makes $69.69 an hour working from home >..

Seriously. What kind of jabroni doesn't do that? People these days, man.

I only take it the next morning when I have the headache. Also, I'm okay with damaging my kidneys, liver, and stomach because hopefully it means I'll die by 30.

There's no better hangover cure in my experience than two Excedrin, a freshly packed bowl, and a big-ass bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.

It most certainly is gentrification when the housing only caters to people who are making extraordinary incomes. I can't speak for SF, but you can say that there's been a housing boom in NYC for the last 10 years, too, but almost all of it is luxury condos that only a small percentage of the population can afford. Why

Yup! I'm watching on a Roku 3 and getting the same thing. If I watch something else and go back later, the theme song will play, but only for the first episode.

You might want to check your settings or something because each episode that I watched after the first one started right after the theme song.

FWIW, Piper is like, barely in the second season, and if she weren't on the show at all, I don't think anything regarding any other plotlines (except for one) would be affected. It's more about the other inmates and how they organize themselves. Tons more Taystee, Poussey, Red, Ingalls (the Nun), Rosa, and Susanne

As someone who lives in Washington Heights, this statement is 120% accurate.

I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls right now and it's SO refreshing how much non-relationship talk there is between women on the show. A major subplot of the third season is between three girls who are the leaders of the student council in their elite prep school. Another is about how two of those three are neck and neck

Well, I mean, smoking insane amounts of pot always makes me want to do it more, too, so yeah, that sounds right.

These numbers are bullshit, at least for men. Let's not even discuss the "not in the past year," especially for younger guys. And only 35-40% of guys jerk off more than once a week? As fucking if. That would mean every guy I know is at the very end of the bell curve for doing it once every day/every other day.

What struck me the most here other than the horribleNESS of it all was omg, can ANYONE on that website spell?!

Because the Daily Show is awesome and Community is overrated.

Scientists are now saying it's possible for people to appear on more than one television program at the same time.

Sometimes when I think about the fact that feminism is still a super powerful movement, it makes me really sad, because it indicates that the work toward achieving what shouldn't even need fixing (that people are treated unequally in the first place) isn't over and that somehow, after years and years of simply stating

I think he's frighteningly unattractive. I get uncomfortable and squirm looking at him.

Beautiful photographs, but I wouldn't call New York a city of the future. Our infrastructure is garbage, the public transit often malfunctions (and any attempt to build new lines, extensions, or hubs take 15+ years to complete, and that's if funding exists, which isn't always certain), and everything is turning into a

This is what I'm currently doing. My 12-course master's will take me about five years, but it. is. so. worth. it.