
This gay guy has a huge boner for both Mac and Charlie, in that order.

Except when it comes to websites. That's when I do my best work!

You guys are all MRAs.

Question, and I hope it's taken as a legitimate one, because it's not meant to be trolling:

I lived with Computer Science majors in college (all had non-CS girlfriends). They spent half their time procrastinating on the projects that were already months behind and the other half circle jerking over who got/was going to get the biggest offer from Microsoft/Sun/Apple/Google.

Yeah, fuck all those classes that make you a well-rounded person like literature, history, music, art, and languages.

Ding ding ding!

We can pickle that!

"This garage has everything."

I was a junior in HS, taking a break from AP/SAT studying to BAWL MY EYES OUT FOR LIKE 72 STRAIGHT HOURS BEFORE AND AFTER.

Good for her.

No, I was never fooled into thinking that someone named Shailene was anything other than inbred.

A lot of maps still lob off anywhere above 96th or 110th to save space. It's deplorable. I pay enough rent to live in New York City; my neighborhood deserves to be displayed on a fucking map.

"Because only rich whites, who don't deign to ride bikes, and blacks/Latinos, who don't deserve anything good, live above 59th street."—Herr Bloomberg

Mazel tov, everyone.

So this Zach Braff movie is just Garden State + 10 years? So now he's a 36-year-old whiny bitch?

Without attacking, will someone please tell me at what point I'm supposed to be hooked on this show? I've been trying and am almost at the end of season 2 and just can't get into it. It's good, and I like it, but I feel like I'm missing the huge deal.

Yes. I would need $13,500, or ~3 months salary, but yes. Absolutely.

Does anyone know where I can find a lightning-to-HDMI cable that isn't like $50?

Man, I wish I could have seen my uncle's reaction to this. He was a fluid dynamics scholar and passed away a few months ago.