
Psyched to get another Roku! Soon every room in the apartment will have one...

Why would anyone want to buy Waze? Waze is worse than the original Apple Maps.

You realize that's because if she didn't have that much makeup on, she'd look washed out and expressionless to the audience and judges, right? Just checking.

The most shocking thing about this story is that there's something to say about American manufacturing.

Clearly you work for one of these companies, so fuck you, but on the off chance you're the one person who doesn't hate TWC with everything in his/her withering soul, it took them FIVE ATTEMPTS just to get someone to SHOW UP at my apartment to put in cable this summer. I didn't need equipment. I didn't need new

Oh, hell no, lol. I mean, maybe for some people, but I stopped voting solidly Democrat a few years ago. The Green Party represents what I actually believe much better than the noncomittal, vague leftist talking points espoused by Dems.

It does if you stop voting for one of the two major parties and actually vote for your values.

All I need is DeGrassi Street. I've actually never been to Canada even though I'm from the NYC metro area and have lived either there or in New England my entire life. But I'm hoping to go gawk at some of the athletes at the 2015 PanAm Games! See you there ;).

To quote Karen Walker:

Now playing

Ah, my first "but wait this is someone who also has a pee pee" moment was probably Alexei Nemov in the 1996 Olympics when I was 9.

By far the two hottest Olympians this year. I gotta drive seven hours up north one of these days. All I want to do is enjoy Canadian medical marijuana and do the things it makes me feel like doing with Alex Bilodeau.

Could they put goddamn fucking countdown clocks on all subway lines before they heap more and more attention on the numbered lines? The MTA is one of the worst fucking organizations in American history.

I didn't start it. In the beginning, it was dark, remember?

And I never asked for a mentally ill diatribe about Christianity, so we're even. See you in hell! JK IT'S NOT REAL.

God isn't real, just FYI.

Oh man, no way! I need those sounds for when I'm definitely not trying to figure out if my headphones are in immediately prior to definitely not watching Xtube.

The snowboarders, of course, prefer the full pipe.

Bud Light Golden Wheat is the closest thing to human urine I've ever tasted.

Wasn't there just a Beyoncé song about this?

Is Alina Kabaeva not oppressed?