
16 has been the minimum for female gymnasts to compete internationally at the "Senior" level since 1997. Prior to that it was 15, and 14 before that. The most recent World/Olympic All-Around champions have been (reversed, 2013-2005): 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 15 (a recently abolished rule allowed gymnasts that wouldn't turn

No. I don't know where they got those stats from, but to be under 4'10" and competing as a female elite (Olympic-level) gymnast now is rare unless she's like, 12-13. The sport has advanced to the point where you need to be able to do more and more difficult skills, which requires more muscle mass. For example, in

Well said! I know now they're trying to put the word out more and let students know the extend of confidentiality so they'll be less afraid to report something, but until there are real consequences put in place and examples made of offenders, I'm afraid things won't change much.

Not sure when you were there, but they give a required-attendance presentation at orientation now.

The things I want to do to Pornstache. And his brother. God damn the genetics in that family, man.

So it's a weed grinder without the spikes and with a hole on the side?

Chrome on Mac, iTunes on Mac/iPhone, VLC for all video.

Always happy to help if you need a rogue contributor :).

Awesome! Could you please bring back The Stoner Channel from Andrew Tarantola? Gizmodo, free the beast!


I don't really care about football other than thinking Aaron Rodgers is handsome, and apparently a player for my team, but I would love nothing more for a Broncos-Seahawks Super Bowl. The weed jokes that would come out of that game. Man.

Just before age 3: A woman in our apartment building was having a baby. My mom told me that my friend (a month younger than me) got to go visit with her mom because girls are allowed in the hospital when babies are born and boys aren't. 20 years later when I told her that's my first memory, she laughed and said she

People who refuse bell peppers should be imprisoned for treason against good taste.

"The Obama's home?" :(

Virgina Woolf, Kurt Vonnegut, Norman Mailer, Vladimir Nabokov, Joseph Conrad, and Jack Kerouac somehow evaded you? I call bullshit or functional illiterate.

Totally thought this was going to be a Tarantola article on Denver tourism.

Weedmaps should be able to do a decent job of that.

You are a god among stoners among men. Thank you :D!

Andrew, between the PAX and this unit, which would you recommend if you're talking about purely loose-leaf vaping—no concentrates, waxes, etc.?

How is this grinder only $20?! Is it just insane NYC prices where pieces without kief traps are like, $40 minimum?