
What do we call them now that being "kind of a Baldwin" is more of an insult than a compliment?

I think the assumption is that EVERYONE watches porn.

Yeah, my friend (27) just started really using email and created a Yahoo because she "never uses" her Gmail. I can't bring myself to try to comprehend that. Yahoo is just so déclassé.

I grew up on Long Island, went to college in Boston, and live in Manhattan now (how is there not a name for people with this pedigree?). I don't have the accent except for a few telltale vowels (orange/horrible/Florida, etc.) but thought my "dialect" was pretty nonregional until this told me I've essentially never

So like, three months?

The duplication of how our eyes see things with a rounded field of view was the intention behind the original design, actually, so the interest is correct!

Just use a sock at the right moment, man.

Jerking off on the moon would have the potential for the solar system's greatest facial, though.

Just a month after I bought a 2XD. Drat.

Keep me posted on this, the most important issue of our day.

From from from.

All of the problems I had with my Evo were present the entire time, not just towards the end. It was also really hot having to tape the battery cover on in order to use the phone.

I went from a 4.3" Evo to an iPhone 5. What I lost in screen size, I gained in battery life, structural integrity, and overall not-fucking-up-all-the-goddamn-time-ness.

Ah, yes, but from whom did she steal this song from?

Nobody likes the second Becky.

Regarding jobs on resumes that may seem like jobhops, is it ever appropriate to discuss turnover in an interview? For example, my second job post-college (I worked one job from 2009-2011 and then this one from 2011-2012) was prestigious, but my tenure was only thirteen months because it was a psychologically abusive

Just as long as you don't try to make me bang this baby.

Is your username a Charlie reference? If so, I'll have sex with you.

Jamie, did you find that OA was heavy-handed on God as AA tends to be? I've been thinking of checking out the program, but am a staunch atheist and don't want to have to feel I'm going through the motions to recovery by "acknowledging a higher power" and asking a mythical being for serenity, etc.

But what will Lindy West say if you try to take eating disorders away from feminism?