
Wait, is Nick Carter gay? I don't get it? My friend was telling me that it was "all but confirmed" last night and I didn't believe it, but that tweet?

I feel worse for the person who has to fill out "Tagg" on every form for his entire life.

Weed helps so much with my anxiety. Not in terms of specific attacks, but just overall calmness. I smoke every day and go through an eighth in about two weeks, only at night (or anytime on the weekends) and find it to be a much more effective tool at helping me sleep and regulating my heart rate, etc., than most

I watch too much TV to ever give up cable, but Time Warner has fucked up the last five appointments I've had in the past week to get them to come put a goddamn fucking wire in, so I've been without cable AND Internet for the past two weeks.

You don't need to like Glee, but Lea Michele is an immense talent. Listen to some Spring Awakening and see what she's actually capable of. I've also heard her perform live and she's incredible.

Watch literally any of the man's countless videos.

"24 pounds in less than two years."

I watched the video in this article. I still don't get it. Am I missing something? I feel like he's science's Radiohead—you have to at least pretend you like him even if you don't because you don't get the hype, but saying you're not a fan automatically means you have bad taste and you will get bashed for it by

Thank you for an actual response as opposed to a condescending snarl like the rest of these cunts.

None of my friends in PhD programs for physics/astronomy have ever mentioned him. The only people I ever hear about him from on social media are the same people who latch on to whatever is cool to be talking about that week. His public persona seems like it's basically just "hey, I'm a black guy with a mustache in

I'm aware of who he is. I just don't get why he's so popular. Because he's black with a mustache? Because he runs the biggest planetarium in New York? Hayden and the Rose Center are rather boring as far as space exhibits go.

I cannot "star" this enough.

Why is this guy so popular? I feel like I dislike him on principle just because of being bombarded with hipsters fanboy/-girling over him all the time. What does he actually do?

It's sad that in these two pictures, the person who trains 40 hours a week while eating about 1000 calories a day and is considered to be the best ever at what she does isn't the one making $25 million a year.

This has been an amazing tool for gymnastics recently, too. Seeing a skill from every angle helps determine proper deductions and for fans it's a great way to compare athletes.

Why is this article on Jezebel?

No question (other than will you be my boyfriend?), but I just wanted to say thanks. I copied your NCAA bracket and won the pool in my office.

My first form of communication with the world was crying, but we all evolve differently, I suppose.

I tend to upgrade every two years. My last phone was an HTC Evo and the back needed to be held on in order for the battery to stay in (and last for the long, long 2-hour life that a two-year-old Evo has) and then, just three weeks after my two-year anniversary was up, by the grace of the FSM, the iPhone 5 came to

In an interview for an Administrative Assistant position with a medical school, the guy interviewing me said he noticed that I majored in History and asked "Why......arts?" I told him that my subject wasn't a science, so I got a BA instead of a BS and he then asked why I would ever want to get a BA. Needless to say, I