
"FUCK OFF I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO YOU"—Lindy West on why you correcting the spelling of the name of one of the most well-known feminist thinkers makes you the worst person evar.

Gloria Steinem*

I still watch this show all the time. Not even Aubrey Plaza can do HRH Daria justice, but she's the closest we have. Daria was my role model growing up. I think I'm too excited about it still. She would not approve.

"Before anybody freaks out and calls you a tokenistic racist who needs to check her ecru privilege at the door"

Taylor is a young woman with a prosperous career built on childish songs about publicity stunt relationships.

I guess "Information Superhighway Indigo" was too long to fit on a crayon?

My niece has the same features you described re: hair and skin. I will make sure she reads this and teach her to clock whoever does this to her (...when she starts kindergarten next year).

1:04, where he's BUGGIN' OUT over the sock puppet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The closest I've come to thinking a first wouldn't! All I need is Sam Cornwell to be my husband and then, presumably, a host uterus and donor egg.

Fair enough, but I still say you'd be better than 90% of the current U.S. men, almost none of whom can muster up a 14.0 or even stay on the damn thing in international competition.

Are you American? They could use you right about now.

Yes, exactly. I have a job that I described in the interview process as "the exact position I should be in at this point in my career." I was hired just before I turned 25 (just over a year ago) and would like to be here until at I'm at least 30. I love what I do, but that doesn't mean that it's not more difficult,

Semi-off-topic, but does anyone know how much Tekserve charges to repair/replace the screen on a 13" MacBook Pro? The LCD is fine and the cracks are not deep (nor do I know how they got there, but that's my own fault, I suppose), so it's just the glass covering itself that needs to be replaced.

Jesus Christ, I fucking love her. I need to start watching this show now.

Seth Rogen, does this mean you DO give guys handjobs and just don't do it enough? BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP WHERE IS THE LIST LET'S HAVE WONDERFUL BEARDED AND JEWISH HANDBABIES TOGETHER.

Back when rail travel first became prominent enough for middle class citizens to travel cross-country, Native Americans used to set up shop out west by the stations because they were the economic hubs of the time and sold their wares. Except they weren't always actual representations of Native American culture because

But Laura, the nerd is inferred!

Eh, I grew up in a heavily Catholic area as a nonreligious child of a Protestant and atheist/never-bar-mitzvahed Jew and think that confusing Moses and Noah is kind of silly if you just think about it for three seconds.

I usually stay away from porters and stouts in favor of pilsners and wheat beers, but SWEET BABY JESUS I FUCKING LOVE PEANUT BUTTER OMG I'M GONNA GAIN 30 POUNDS DRINKING THIS AND IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT.

I like M.I.A. and all, but why is her music talked about like it's super activist-y? I don't know much other than her bigger songs, but they seem to just be about partying and stuff. She does some activist stuff outside of her music, but what gives?