
Ugh, I knowwwww. I used to have a Corgi/Border Collie mix and she was just the most adorable thing ever. No pics on my computer, but she looked exactly like this. I hate that corgis are the new "it" dog because I've been obsessed with them since I can remember, but also, that means there are tons of corgi blogs to

These kids are always the ones with the horrible peanut allergies and who die if they get a cold because they've been bubbleized since birth, so the first time someone isn't around to make sure their milk is utter-to-table, all hell breaks loose with their immune systems that have never had to defend against anything

A guy subleasing a room in my apartment refers to himself as "daddy" to his dog. It's really disturbing. I hide my peanut butter.

Most excellent use of mise en place ever. No contest.

As though Zoe Saldana weren't useless enough, she now likens being allegedly bisexual to being androgynous? Fuck off.

Gradient overlays are so two thousand and late. Get your shit together, Apple.

All you need to know about her politically is that her nose is so far up Bloomberg's ass, and the ass of anyone who will advance her agenda/give her money, that she's completely lost touch with the needs of middle- and low-income New Yorkers. I worry that a lot of people will vote for her simply because of her

Can someone with a gigantic death ray please obliterate Ian Somerhalder? I know his tweet wasn't supposed to sound douchey, but it comes across as very "Poor little rich boy wants his suitcases, so the interests of labor need to take a backseat." What are the odds he even waits at the carousel for his bags himself

No, we all have. And sometimes when there's no proper cleanup method, it happens out of necessity. (Maybe straight guys don't do that, but as a cocksucker, I don't really see the big deal.)

Speaking from experience, sometimes all it really takes for a man to figure out what he wants is a good "sandwich."

I know it's not part of mainstream Mormonism, but I'm OBSESSED with Carolyn Jessop.

I've always found Ted to be far more attractive than he actually is. Or Josh Radnor, I guess. He's the Nice Jewish Boy you can take home to your parents. I would totally date Ted if he decided the mother was really just some egg donor and confessed his true love of peen. Now, wouldn't THAT be a twist.

Maybe it was just her way to let people know there was a colonial woman on the wing of the plane, dressed in traditional garb and churning butter.

Right, except that the concept of "Deadly Sins" assumes that Christian doctrine holds any factual weight, which, to quote Ross Geller, it so does not.

From what I've heard, the South Park thing is actually really accurate, but that could just be believers fucking with me. Either way, all religion is invented, and the people that wrote the Vedas, Torah, Qu'ran, etc. were just the L. Ron Hubbards of their day. It's kind of like how there's that belief that if Jesus

How do you think every other religion was created? I mean, really.

What is Kanye being punished for?

Yeah, but she doesn't have a movie coming out, so this is a major success. Apparently.
