
TL;DR: the greatest humblebrag of all time

That guy should have gotten fired for letting James Harrison show the world his toe-thumbs, not for letting him Instagram a drug test.

How many times did the Cardinals lose?

bottom left corner.

I’ll see your Cherokee Parks and raise you Survivor loser Scot Pollard, who I used to get mixed up with Cherokee Parks on a regular basis.

Tony Delk and Tony Battie will always be the same guy in my mind.

“Welcome to Deadcast! Tim Marchman tells you why he’s unfit for modern society and Drew can only kinda laugh at him because Tim is his boss!”

I’ll take your those guys and raise you a Brian Grant and Evan Eschmeyer

Selected one pick before Rajon Rondo.

I see your Corliss Williamson and raise you a Lucious Harris

The only thing I remember about him is this:

Chris Whitney

My wife and I list each other as our emergency contacts so we’re screwed if we’re both in an emergency at the same time. This is why Cris Carter and Ray Lewis should not have been each other’s fall guys.

“we pick the girl too”

“LeBron James is a backstabbing coach killer” is actually pretty accurate though

Bristol, Connecticut. That is the answer.

Any string instrument that needs a bow.

He is now bound by honor to do this at graduation:

Here’s the coaching resume of a guy who subtweeted a teenager about loyalty last night.

“It was really disloyal of them to no longer want to play for a guy who won’t be there two years from now, especially when his replacement can deny their transfer requests at his whim” - morons