
You tried. You failed, but at least you tried.

Sounds like code for “I’ve never had sex” to me too. If he IS telling the truth, then it’s code for “I am very very bad at sexin’.”

When I saw the headline, I thought for sure it was going to be about castration.

No worries? I’m thirty and my first real relationship was about 3 years ago. I feel a bit behind when comes to dating at times.

6 percent of teens are confirmed assholes.

Yeah, but did they actually, or was it simply that Myspace made a small subset of prolific people more visible?

Oh. I was joking, but now I feel sad and uncomfortable.

This just reminds me of one male friend of mine who honest to God once said “I’ll never have sex with a virgin again. All they do is scream and bleed all over.” At the time, I bought the idea that your first time was supposed to hurt and you were supposed to bleed, so I didn’t say anything. But I also thought that

Of *all teens*? This isn’t a survey of 18-year-olds. How many 13-year-olds have been in a romantic relationship?

Hm, seems counter to this study though?

This is like every other study out there debunking the idea of a hookup culture; the vast majority of college students are not engaging in “hookup” behavior, and will have only one or two partners throughout college.

I just started thinking about my high school girlfriend and then how that was a long time ago and then remembered that holy shit she didn’t even have a cordless phone in her house let alone the Internet and now I’m old and my knee hurts for no reason.

Well...rape is about power. The rapists would then be raping the prostitutes. Prostitutes do not deserve to be raped anymore than any other segment of the population.

“No. Sorry. I no longer care about the well-being of someone who was a violent sex offender.”

Look, man - I’m right there with you. But you have to recognize that this is the gut reaction, and the easy way out.

Not all the stories are like this one, but FUCK! This guy was institutionalized at age five. That’s

You’re stating categorically “Sex crimes and other crimes with extremely high rates of recidivism are exceptions precisely because of their high rates of recidivism.”,

It seems our society, in the USA, is more concerned with PUNISHING a wrong-doer, rather than rehabilitating a person. Ex-cons frequently can’t find jobs. Even when the economy is good. Back in the day they used to say that after one ‘paid one’s debt to society’ one started with a clean slate. That has never been true.

In my country we don’t even have engagement rings, thank God. But I married an American in the U.S. and at the beginning I did not want a ring as asked him not to give me one but then he was under so much pressure I accepted one for his sake. It’s insane here in the U.S. I find it hard how society enforces these silly

It’s so that when you’re an old lady you can thump the youngin’s on the head when they’re misbehaving. I thought that was the point of having a large ring.