
I...this is...you’re exceptional. Bravo.

Cabal Empire invasion of Earth: check.

All good points. I’ve definitely been persuaded by you and others throughout the day, and feel kind of stupid for my initial post. I definitely still have problems with certain aspects of the story, but they’re far less pronounced now that I’ve gotten some different perspectives. This is why I love this community.

Oh god no, BvS was an attrocious garbage fire. Throughout the day, I’ve been swayed by certain posters arguments, yours included. I regret saying it was one of the worst superhero movies I’ve seen - I’ve just been generally frustrated by the lack of criticism/complete praise in almost every review for what was an

When I posted, I didn’t think it served the narrative in a meaningful way. Some lovely io9er completely changed my mind by pointing out that the violence is what bonded Logan and Laura, which I had not considered and completely changed my point of view on that point.

I’ve gotten so many responses to my post today, and this was the only one that not only made sense, but actually made me consider something I hadn’t before. You completely changed my mind on my violence critique.

A lot less exciting if they pass through a small town too. Rather than sacrificing your characters established motives, they could have chosen to enter Logan’s mind. Perhaps a nightmare of what happened to the X-Men in the Westchester incident that was alluded to at various points. IMO, would have been a more powerful

One of Logan’s main goals for a bulk of the film is getting enough money to buy a boat, so that he can get Professor X out to sea, where any future seizures won’t hurt anyone. It’s why he has him in a Mexican desert in the middle of nowhere. It’s a direct contradiction of that plot point to bring him into a major

Vulgarity is a key part of Deadpool’s character. His entire persona is derived from being profane and outlandish, and the violence in that particular film drove the ridiculousness of the humor, and necessitated an R rating to capture the character.

I didn’t say it was tasteless, just that it didn’t drive the narrative in a meaningful way. Whether or not Logan slow-mo shoves his claws through people’s faces 75 times has no bearing on the story.

Not taking your meds, when the result of not taking your meds is...idk, let’s say killing people when you have a seizure...that’s kinda selfish, no?

It is what it is. This is the internet, after all. I’m just genuinely surprised that there is nothing but an outpouring of 100% praise. That doesn’t take away from the ambition of telling a superhero story in this format, but to praise it as flawless, IMO, ignores some pretty poor narrative choices.

I would be able to reconcile it if his healing factor didn’t allow him to survive literally being disintegrated in another movie, but that’s fine. To me it just seems like one of those trivial things that his body would be able to handle.

Loved Deadpool! Thought it was a genre-transforming film because the vulgarity and gore drove the humor and narrative in a meaningful way, and the movie was better as a result.

Easy killer. Complained about them not serving the narrative in a meaningful way. In Deadpool, it was a crucial part of the narrative. In Logan, it was purely to get an R rating. The narrative would not have changed in the slightest if any of it were omitted. IMO, that’s a serious flaw in any film.

This was truly one of the worst superhero films I’ve seen in the longest time, and I’m counting the DCU FFS.

I was just happy that the movie was finally over. Did not understand the hype at all and the entire group of friends I saw the film with, myself included, thought it was terrible.

I just walked out of the theater. I did not enjoy that at all.

Not me, but a friend preordered Zelda for Wii U the first day it went on sale. Amazon said he won’t receive a copy until they restock because they sold out. He is beyond pissed.