This is even better.
Also fuck the people who mention adoption because , “Oh, think of all the poor parents who can’t conceive but would LOVE a baby of their own!” Ok, yeah. I’ll think about those would-be parents when you think about all the kids who are ALREADY IN THE FOSTER CARE SYSTEM who would love to be adopted by a loving family.
well said!
The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that…
boy i sure hope you’ve already adequately wrapped your tool everytime you and your wife fucked. yes notice i said wife because fucking out of wedlock is irresponsible, per you. i hope you waited til marriage, friendo. cuz otherwise you’re a big old hypocrite.
I so agree - you know it’s always the women demanding sex in any relationship. plus women are paid more at their jobs than men, and it’s always those poor men who are responsible for buying those expensive birth control pills and remembering to take them. And men usually get stuck with the breast feeding and raising…
Clover, this was so beautiful. <3 thank you
just fyi the kids’ clothing at John Lewis is apparently stupid cute
Were you in the Central Valley? That can be such an odd, unsettling place....
Fuck every last “law enforcement officer.” The biggest sham in this country. The only things they “protect and serve” are white people and white supremacy. Fuck them all to hell. I don’t care if your dad, uncle, brother, sister, mother is one of the “good ones,” they’re all complicit in this charade.
Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.
Goldendoodles are the best goddamn dogs in the world. Fight me.
The Bulls were eliminated from the playoffs last night, which meant exit interviews today. These are understandably…
Gah, I need to hear “How many licks? ” immediately
Bone Apple Teeth
Pseudo patois from the whitest white girl? No thanks!
“Myers’ team found evidence of links to depression and dysphoria (general dissatisfaction with life)“