
More MO posts. I don’t care if it’s about what she had for dinner. The nostalgia is real :(

Not gonna lie. I feel better.

That sounds really tough- hope you’re doing ok.

my parents came from another country with barely any money and 4 kids. they worked their asses off (and still do) to support our family. payless shoes were a luxury when i was a kid. thank you for putting shoes on my feet throughout my childhood.

So you’re saying there should be some sweet deals at Payless soon, yes?

m8, I was 11 when Jesse Camp was a thing. 11 year olds aren’t exactly known for their discerning taste in men.

He is the best baby

This isn’t really Dove’s fault, but I am so sick of being labelled “a Mom.” Not a woman, not a person, but a Mom. “Did you see what that Mom did?” “I was talking to this Mom the other day...” Everything revolves around Momness. It assumes that because I had kids and am trying to keep them alive until they turn 18,

Okay yeah capitalism is trying to sell social justice to us, blah blah blah, but can we please marvel over the fact that a real life transgender mother was in this commercial? That makes me so so happy.

It’s that 5% Catholic Guilt they put in it for moisturizing.

I cant even count the number of times I said when my son was little “Honey, for god’s sake, go to your room and play”.

I am a perfect mom because I am not spending my kid’s college education $ on branded beauty bars. (Generics for the win!)

Oh FFS. First Pepsi now Dove. Both are in the palm oil trade, which in Indonesia killed thousands of children in the 2015 forest fires of slash and burn agriculture.

Fuck you, Dove, I am a perfect mom!

Next up: Enfamil paying Kendall to pass out formula at La Leche League meetings.

When I was pregnant with my first, I asked my mom if she thought she’s done a good job with raising me. And her answer was “Well, you’re alive, right? So I guess so.” “But remember when I almost got carried off by that Rottweiler?” “I got you back, it was fine.”

Its kayfabe. Anything the public sees is kayfabe. The Beyonce you see is pure kayfabe.

You guys. I want to remind you that someone was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to conceive of this campaign. For the concept alone, not Kendall Jenner or her lace front wig or the whole production. Just to decide the right thing to do was to exploit people’s current dissatisfaction with the misogynist/racist in

blonde kendall jenner looks like a pleasant morph of cara delevingne and vanessa hudgens.

Meh. It’s my 21st wedding anniversary today.