
My lips are worth EVERYTHING! Just yesterday I spent $2 on a new chapstick. Only the best for me. :)

Wow, I....I was so wrong.

I doubt he came during the blowjob, that was an appetizer for the anal later.

Finally, the Black Widow movie we’ve been waiting for!

Yeah but those lips tho

only the drug addict one that’s banging the dead one’s wife....and he isn’t as hot.

I’m all about dirty hot guys, he’s not too young for me, I agree with Rich that circumstances suggest big dick, he’s the son of America’s dad, AND he was arrested protesting. That’s worthy of multiple bangings from me.

The Donald Trump in Jason Momoa’s body thing was really conflicting.

Was going to say no because long hippie hair is not my thing. However after reflecting on previous “Would U” options (I’m still traumatized by contemplating Ted Cruz anywhere near my body) I realize I’m being way too picky. So yes, totally would.

first i’ll need to verify whether or not i have a scheduling conflict.

Would you have sex with Tim Kaine’s son?

We used to have this famously mean waiter at a famously grotty Chinese restaurant here in SF, guy name of Edsel Ford Fong.

Bobby, I love you.

Don’t forget about Shannyn Sossamon’s child, Audio Science!

Moon Unit Zappa sounds so normal in comparison.

She’s so stunning. If I looked like that I wouldn’t bother with makeup either.

Also I’d watch a movie where Jane Fonda plays Rihanna’s grandmother and they like party in New Orleans for a weekend maybe? IDK I haven’t worked out all the details yet.

They call it a “Long Island Sally”.

I was always told by my Hispanic friends in school that “puto” meant something similar to “whore” or “bitch”, and that “maricon” was the homophobic slur of choice in Spanish. Learn something new I guess.